

Prof. Dr. Daniel Peterseim

Numerische Mathematik
Telefon: +49 821 598-2194
Raum: 2302 (I)
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 12, 86159 Augsburg
Numerische Mathematik




2017- ??????????? Professor für Numerische Mathematik, Universit?t Augsburg

2016????????????? Habilitation Mathematik, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin

2013-2017???? Professor für Numerische Simulation, Universit?t Bonn
2009-2013 ? ? Nachwuchsgruppenleiter, DFG Forschungszentrum Matheon, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin

2009????????????? Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin

2007????????????? Promotion Mathematik, Universit?t Zürich

2004-2008???? Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universit?t Zürich

2004????????????? Diplom Mathematik, Technische Universit?t Ilmenau


(ausführlicher Lebenslauf)


  • Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen
  • Numerische Mehrskalenmethoden
  • Eigenwertprobleme, Wellenph?nomene
  • Anwendungen in der Mechanik, Physik und 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏izin


(Angewandte Filter: Semester: aktuelles | Dozenten: Daniel Peterseim | Vorlesungsarten: alle)
Name Semester Typ
Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen Wintersemester 2024/25 Vorlesung + ?bung
Spezielle Kapitel der Numerik Wintersemester 2024/25 Vorlesung
Seminar zur Numerik (Master): Quantum Computing Wintersemester 2024/25 Seminar
Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Numerische Quantenalgorithmik Wintersemester 2024/25 Arbeitsgemeinschaft



Copyright ? 2021 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Math


A. M?lqvist and D.?Peterseim. Numerical homogenization by localized orthogonal decomposition. SIAM Spotlights 5, ISBN: 978-1-611976-44-1, 2020.
[? SIAM?]
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2004


Francesca Bonizzoni, Moritz Hauck and Daniel Peterseim
A reduced basis super-localized orthogonal decomposition for reaction-convection-diffusion problems

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Moritz Hauck, Hannah Mohr and Daniel Peterseim
A simple collocation-type approach to numerical stochastic homogenization

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Philip Freese, Moritz Hauck, Tim Keil and Daniel Peterseim
A super-localized generalized finite element method

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Timo Neumeier, Malte A. Peter, Daniel Peterseim and David Wiedemann
Computational polyconvexification of isotropic functions

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Maximilian K?hler, Timo Neumeier, Malte A. Peter, Daniel Peterseim and Daniel Balzani
Hierarchical rank-one sequence convexification for the relaxation of variational problems with microstructures

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Jose C. Garay, Hannah Mohr, Daniel Peterseim and Christoph Zimmer
Hierarchical super-localized orthogonal decomposition method

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Stuart C. Hawkins, Luke G. Bennetts, Matthew A. Nethercote, Malte A. Peter, Daniel Peterseim, Henry J. Putley and Barbara Verfürth
Metamaterial applications of Tmatsolver, an easy-to-use software for simulating multiple wave scattering in two dimensions

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Dietmar Gallistl, Moritz Hauck, Yizhou Liang and Daniel Peterseim
Mixed finite elements for the Gross-Pitaevskii eigenvalue problem: a priori error analysis and guaranteed lower energy bound

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Daniel Balzani, Maximilian K?hler, Timo Neumeier, Malte A. Peter and Daniel Peterseim
Multidimensional rank-one convexification of incremental damage models at finite strains

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Matthias Deiml and Daniel Peterseim
Nonlinear quantum computing by amplified encodings

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Moritz Hauck, Yizhou Liang and Daniel Peterseim
Positivity preserving finite element method for the Gross-Pitaevskii ground state: discrete uniqueness and global convergence

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Matthias Deiml and Daniel Peterseim
Quantum realization of the finite element method

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Paul Seibert, Alexander Ra?loff, Yichi Zhang, Karl Kalina, Paul Reck, Daniel Peterseim and Markus K?stner
Reconstructing microstructures from statistical descriptors using neural cellular automata

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Robert Altmann, Daniel Peterseim and Tatjana Stykel
Riemannian Newton methods for energy minimization problems of Kohn-Sham type

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Robert Altmann, M. Hermann, Daniel Peterseim and Tatjana Stykel
Riemannian optimisation methods for ground states of multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates

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Daniel Peterseim, Johan W?rneg?rd and Christoph Zimmer
Super-localised wave function approximation of Bose-Einstein condensates

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Francesca Bonizzoni, Philip Freese and Daniel Peterseim
Super-localized orthogonal decomposition for convection-dominated diffusion problems

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Philip Freese, Dietmar Gallistl, Daniel Peterseim and Timo Sprekeler
Computational multiscale methods for nondivergence-form elliptic partial differential equations

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Fabian Kr?pfl, Roland Maier and Daniel Peterseim
Neural network approximation of coarse-scale surrogates in numerical homogenization

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Maximilian K?hler, Timo Neumeier, Daniel Peterseim, Malte A. Peter and Daniel Balzani
Relaxed incremental formulations for damage at finite strains including strain softening

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Paul Reck, Paul Seibert, Alexander Ra?loff, Markus K?stner and Daniel Peterseim
Scattering transform in microstructure reconstruction

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Moritz Hauck and Daniel Peterseim
Super-localization of elliptic multiscale problems

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Maximilian K?hler, Timo Neumeier, Jan Melchior, Malte A. Peter, Daniel Peterseim and Daniel Balzani
Adaptive convexification of microsphere-based incremental damage for stress and strain softening at finite strains

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Paul Hennig, Markus K?stner, Roland Maier, Philipp Morgenstern and Daniel Peterseim
Adaptive isogeometric phase-field modeling of weak and strong discontinuities

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Robert Altmann, Daniel Peterseim and Tatjana Stykel
Energy-adaptive Riemannian optimization on the Stiefel manifold

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Robert Altmann, Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Localization and delocalization of ground states of Bose-Einstein condensates under disorder

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Moritz Hauck and Daniel Peterseim
Multi-resolution localized orthogonal decomposition for Helmholtz problems

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Fabian Kr?pfl, Roland Maier and Daniel Peterseim
Operator compression with deep neural networks

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Julian Fischer, Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
A priori error analysis of a numerical stochastic homogenization method

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Maximilian K?hler, Timo Neumeier, Daniel Peterseim, Malte A. Peter and Daniel Balzani
An enhanced algorithmic scheme for relaxed incremental variational damage formulations at finite strains

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Robert Altmann, Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Numerical homogenization beyond scale separation

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Philip Freese, Moritz Hauck and Daniel Peterseim
Super-localized orthogonal decomposition for high-frequency Helmholtz problems

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Robert Altmann, Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
The J-method for the Gross-Pitaevskii eigenvalue problem

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Paul Hennig, Roland Maier, Daniel Peterseim, Dominik Schillinger, Barbara Verfürth and Markus K?stner
A diffuse modeling approach for embedded interfaces in linear elasticity

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Daniel Peterseim and Barbara Verfürth
Computational high frequency scattering from high contrast heterogeneous media

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Datei: Postprint

Robert Altmann, E. Chung, Roland Maier, Daniel Peterseim and S.-M. Pun
Computational multiscale methods for linear heterogeneous poroelasticity

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Daniel Peterseim, D. Varga and Barbara Verfürth
From domain decomposition to homogenization theory

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Robert Altmann, Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Quantitative Anderson localization of Schr?dinger eigenstates under disorder potentials

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A. Caiazzo, Roland Maier and Daniel Peterseim
Reconstruction of quasi-local numerical effective models from low-resolution measurements

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Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Sobolev gradient flow for the Gross-Pitaevskii eigenvalue problem: global convergence and computational efficiency

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Michael Feischl and Daniel Peterseim
Sparse compression of expected solution operators

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Christoph J. Paulus, Roland Maier, Daniel Peterseim and Stéphane Cotin
An immersed boundary method for detail-preserving soft tissue simulation from medical images

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Shubin Fu, Robert Altmann, Eric T. Chung, Roland Maier, Daniel Peterseim and Sai-Mang Pun
Computational multiscale methods for linear poroelasticity with high contrast

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Christian Engwer, Patrick Henning, Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Efficient implementation of the localized orthogonal decomposition method

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Roland Maier and Daniel Peterseim
Explicit computational wave propagation in micro-heterogeneous media

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Robert Altmann and Daniel Peterseim
Localized computation of eigenstates of random Schr?dinger operators

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Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
Numerical stochastic homogenization by quasilocal effective diffusion tensors

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Ralf Kornhuber, Daniel Peterseim and Harry Yserentant
An analysis of a class of variational multiscale methods based on subspace decomposition

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Guanglian Li, Daniel Peterseim and Mira Schedensack
Error analysis of a variational multiscale stabilization for convection-dominated diffusion equations in two dimensions

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Robert Altmann, Daniel Peterseim and Dora Varga
Localization studies for ground states of the Gross‐Pitaevskii equation

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Donald L. Brown, Joscha Gedicke and Daniel Peterseim
Numerical homogenization of heterogeneous fractional Laplacians

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Paul Hennig, Markus K?stner, Philipp Morgenstern and Daniel Peterseim
Adaptive mesh refinement strategies in isogeometric analysis - a computational comparison

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Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
Computation of quasi-local effective diffusion tensors and connections to the mathematical theory of homogenization

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Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Crank–Nicolson Galerkin approximations to nonlinear Schr?dinger equations with rough potentials

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Daniel Peterseim
Eliminating the pollution effect in Helmholtz problems by local subscale correction

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Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Generalized finite element methods for quadratic eigenvalue problems

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Donald L. Brown, Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
Multiscale Petrov-Galerkin method for high-frequency heterogeneous Helmholtz equations

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Dietmar Gallistl, P. Huber and Daniel Peterseim
On the stability of the Rayleigh–Ritz method for eigenvalues

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Daniel Peterseim and Mira Schedensack
Relaxing the CFL condition for the wave equation on adaptive meshes

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Hadiseh Alaeian, Mira Schedensack, Clara Bartels, Daniel Peterseim and Martin Weitz
Thermo-optical interactions in a dye-microcavity photon Bose–Einstein condensate

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Donald L. Brown and Daniel Peterseim
A multiscale method for porous microstructures

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Annalisa Buffa, Carlotta Giannelli, Philipp Morgenstern and Daniel Peterseim
Complexity of hierarchical refinement for a class of admissible mesh configurations

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Daniel Peterseim
Computational Multiscale Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

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Habilitationsschrift, 2016

Dietmar Gallistl, Daniel Peterseim and Carsten Carstensen
Multiscale Petrov-Galerkin FEM for Acoustic Scattering

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Daniel Peterseim and Mira Schedensack
Relaxing the CFL condition for the wave equation on adaptive meshes

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Daniel Peterseim and Robert Scheichl
Robust numerical upscaling of elliptic multiscale problems at high contrast

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Carsten Carstensen, Daniel Peterseim and Andreas Schr?der
The norm of a discretized gradient in H(div)? for a posteriori finite element error analysis

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P. Bringmann, C. Carstensen, Dietmar Gallistl, F. Hellwig, Daniel Peterseim, S. Puttkammer, H. Rabus and J. Storn
Towards adaptive discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods

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Daniel Peterseim
Variational multiscale stabilization and the exponential decay of fine-scale correctors

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Philipp Morgenstern and Daniel Peterseim
Analysis-suitable adaptive T-mesh refinement with linear complexity

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C. Carstensen, K. K?hler, Daniel Peterseim and Mira Schedensack
Comparison results for the Stokes equations

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Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Computation of eigenvalues by numerical upscaling

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Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
Multiscale Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for high frequency acoustic scattering

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Patrick Henning, Philipp Morgenstern and Daniel Peterseim
Multiscale partition of unity

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Martin Eigel and Daniel Peterseim
Simulation of composite materials by a network FEM with error control

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Dietmar Gallistl and Daniel Peterseim
Stable multiscale Petrov–Galerkin finite element method for high frequency acoustic scattering

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Patrick Henning, Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
A localized orthogonal decomposition method for semi-linear elliptic problems

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Daniel Peterseim
Composite finite elements for elliptic interface problems

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Carsten Carstensen, Bj?rn Engquist and Daniel Peterseim
Computational multiscale methods: introduction by the organisers

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Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Localization of elliptic multiscale problems

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Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Multiscale techniques for solving quadratic eigenvalue problems

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Patrick Henning, Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Two-level discretization techniques for ground state computations of Bose-Einstein condensates

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Daniel Elfverson, Emmanuil H. Georgoulis, Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Convergence of a discontinuous Galerkin multiscale method

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Daniel Peterseim and Carsten Carstensen
Finite element network approximation of conductivity in particle composites

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Axel M?lqvist and Daniel Peterseim
Numerical upscaling of eigenvalue problems

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Carsten Carstensen, Daniel Peterseim and Hella Rabus
Optimal adaptive nonconforming FEM for the Stokes problem

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Patrick Henning and Daniel Peterseim
Oversampling for the multiscale finite element method

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Daniel Peterseim and Axel M?lqvist
Spectrum-preserving two-scale decompositions with applications to numerical homogenizations and eigensolvers

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Daniel Peterseim, C. Carstensen and Mira Schedensack
Comparison of finite element methods for the Poisson model problem

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Mira Schedensack, C. Carstensen and Daniel Peterseim
Comparison results for first-order FEMs

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C. Carstensen, Daniel Peterseim and Mira Schedensack
Comparison results of finite element methods for the Poisson model problem

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Daniel Peterseim and Axel M?lqvist
Finite element discretization of multiscale elliptic problems

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Daniel Peterseim and S. Sauter
Finite elements for elliptic problems with highly varying, nonperiodic diffusion matrix

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L. Banjai and Daniel Peterseim
Parallel multistep methods for linear evolution problems

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Daniel Peterseim
Robustness of finite element simulations in densely packed random particle composites

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Daniel Peterseim and Stefan A. Sauter
Finite element methods for the Stokes problem on complicated domains

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Daniel Peterseim
Composite Finite Elements for Elliptic Interface Problems

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Daniel Peterseim
Generalized delaunay partitions and composite material modeling

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Daniel Peterseim
Finite element analysis of particle-reinforced composites

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Daniel Peterseim and S. A. Sauter
Recent advances in composite finite elements

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Daniel Peterseim and Stefan A. Sauter
The composite mini element - coarse mesh computation of Stokes flows on complicated domains

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Daniel Peterseim
The composite mini element: a mixed FEM for the Stokes equations on complicated domains

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PhD Thesis

Daniel Peterseim and Stefan A. Sauter
The composite mini element: a new mixed FEM for the Stokes equations on complicated domains

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Daniel Peterseim
Numerische Analyse parameterabh?ngiger periodischer Orbits nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme mittels Mehrzielmethode und effizienter Fortsetzungstechniken

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Masterarbeit, IfMath, 2004
