


ERC Starting Grant: mlQuDyn

A key scope of quantum many-body theory is the identification of universal behavior in quantum matter, where macroscopic properties become independent of microscopic details. In recent years the quest for phases with novel universal properties has seen a particular push by forcing systems out of equilibrium, which has opened up new dynamical paradigms. These developments not only hold the promise to theoretically uncover unrecognized universal dynamical behavior, but are also driven by the enormous advances in quantum simulators such as ultra-cold atoms, which have nowadays achieved unique capabilities in generating and probing such nonequilibrium quantum states. Still, their theoretical description is facing severe challenges. It is the aim of this proposal to advance the theoretical understanding and predictive power of quantum many-body theory by a crossdisciplinary approach at the interface between quantum dynamics and machine learning.

DFG-Transregio-Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 80

The collaborative research center TRR 80 connects fundamental research on emergent new materials properties driven by strong electronic correlations with the focussed exploration for possible new functionalities in technological devices. At the heart of the materials properties of interest are the strong interplay of charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom, leading to a multitude of complex new phases on different length and time-scales with fascinating electronic properties as well as novel generic excitations. Systematic determination of large susceptibilities to applied fields, perturbations and defects yield complex phase diagrams, which represent a major avenue towards tailored functionalities that may be exploited in designed composite-systems.

ARC Discovery Project

Pushing the digital limits in quantum simulation for advanced manufacturing
