1979-1985: Studium der Physik an der Universit?t Ulm
1986: Diplom in Theoretischer Physik
1986-1989: wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (DFG-Projekt), Abt. f¨¹r Theoretische Physik (Uni Ulm)
1989: Promotion in Theoretischer Physik
1989-1993: Graduiertenstudium der Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie an der Universit?t Augsburg
1990-1991: F?rderung durch die Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
1990-1994: wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (DFG-Projekte), Lehrstuhl f¨¹r Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie (Uni Augsburg)
1993: Promotion in Philosophie
1995-1997: Lehrauftr?ge (Philosophie) an der Universit?t Augsburg
1995-1997: Habilitationsstipendium der DFG
1997-1999: wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1), Lehrstuhl f¨¹r Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie (Uni Augsburg)
1998-2000: Mittelbauvertreter im Fachbereichsrat der Phil. Fak. I (Uni Augsburg)
1999: Habilitation im Fachgebiet Philosophie
1999-2007: Privatdozent (Phil. Fak. I, Uni Augsburg); wissenschaftlicher Oberassistent (C2)
2004-2007: Mittelbauvertreter im Pr¨¹fungsausschuss der Phil.-soz.wiss. Fakult?t f¨¹r die Studieng?nge?Philosophie?sowie?ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·ien und Kommunikation
2005-2007: federf¨¹hrende Mitarbeit am Entwurf der Studien- und Pr¨¹fungsordnung f¨¹r den BA-/MA-Studiengang?Philosophie
2005-2007: Mitglied der Augsburger Metanexus-Whitehead-Gruppe
2006-2007: Studienberatung f¨¹r den BA-/MA-Studiengang?ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·ien und Kommunikation
seit 2007: apl. Professor f¨¹r Philosophie (Uni Augsburg)
seit 2007: wissenschaftlicher Referent / Hochschulforscher bei?evalag?(Evaluationsagentur Baden-W¨¹rttemberg)
2010-2013: Mitglied des Arbeitskreises (AK) in Gr¨¹ndung "Ethik in der Evaluation" der Gesellschaft f¨¹r Evaluation e.V. (DeGEval)
seit 2010: Mitglied des AK Hochschulen der DeGEval
seit 2011: Mitglied des AK Methoden in der Evaluation der DeGEval
2011-2016: Lehrauftr?ge an der Technischen Universit?t M¨¹nchen (Carl von Linde-Akademie/Munich Center for Technology in Society MCTS)
2012-2016: Mitglied der ENQA Working Group on Impact
2013-2016: Koordinator des von der Europ?ischen Kommission gef?rderten Lifelong Learning-Projekts "Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions" ( https://www.evalag.de/impala)
2013: INQAAHE Research Project ¡°Integrated Performance Governance Systems in Higher Education Institutions. Theoretical Model and Case Study Evidences for a Paradigm Change¡±
2015-2016: INQAAHE Research Project ¡°On the Way to Sustainable Quality Enhancement in Learning and Teaching. Comprehensive Set of Performance Indicators Based on the ESG and an Integrative Comparison of the AHELO Study, Program Accreditation and the Creative Classroom Research Model¡±
2017-2020: Koordinator des von der Europ?ischen Kommission gef?rderten ERASMUS+-Projekts "Sustainable Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Integrative Core Dataset and Performance Data Analytics"( https://www.evalag.de/sqelt;?? https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/b8a93e06-2000-4a82-9fac-90b3bcacadec)
2019-2022: ERASMUS+-Projekt ?Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education¡°
2021-2023: ERASMUS+-Projekt ¡°Enhancing the Development of Educators' Digital Competencies¡°?https://www.evalag.de/edudig;?https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-AT01-KA226-HE-092677
2025-2027: HORIZON-Forschungsprojekt ?European Youth in Education and in Transition to the Labour Market¡± (EDU-LAB)
Seit 2021 Mitglied des Executive Board von ERIEC (European Research Infrastructure Evalua-tion Consortium, https://www.eriec.eu/)
Seit 2021 Mitglied der Kommission f¨¹r Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland (KFiD) der Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) (https://www.gwk-bonn.de)
Seit 2021 Board Member der Zeitschrift Quality in Higher Education (https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cqhe20)
Wissenschaftsphilosophie; Naturphilosophie; Erkenntnistheorie; Philosophie der Neurowissenschaften, Kognitionsforschung und Robotik; Technikphilosophie; Ethik (Moralbegr¨¹ndung; Natur-Ethik; Technik-Ethik; Wissenschaftsethik; Datenethik)
Philosophie der Lebenskunst
Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung und Datenanalyse; Evaluationsforschung und Wirkungsevaluation; Qualit?tsmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung in Hochschulen; Modelle der Leistungsmessung, Leistungsindikatoren und Governance von Hochschulen; transformative Digitalisierung; Bildungs- und Ausbildungswege in den europ?ischen Bildungssystemen und ?berg?nge in den Arbeitsmarkt;?Projektmanagement auf europ?ischer Ebene
Keine Vorlesungen vorhanden.
Vortr?ge (Auswahl) / Public Presentations
Wirkungsanalyse von institutionellen Evaluationen an Hochschulen - Daten, Theoriemodelle, Methoden. Auf dem Weg zu einem Forschungsdesign.?Vortrag im Rahmen des Sommer-Workshops 2011 des AK Hochschulen der DeGEval, FU Berlin, 8. Juli 2011?
Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions. Epistemological Aspects and Methodological Elements.?Presentation,?2nd ENQA MEMBERS¡¯ FORUM 2012, Impact of Quality Assurance and Independence of Agencies, Paris, April 23-24, 2012
Inter- und Transdisziplinarit?t. Epistemologische, methodologische?und praktische Perspektiven.?Vortrag am Zentrum f¨¹r energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen, Technische Universit?t M¨¹nchen ¨C Oskar von Miller Forum, M¨¹nchen, 30. Mai 2012
Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance of HEIs and Internal Quality Assurance of Agencies.?Presentation, ENQA Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Seminar 2012, Assessing Impact - Using External Reviews and Evaluations for Internal Learning, Valladolid, Juni 7-8, 2012
On the Causality of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions. Presentation, EAIR 34th Annual Forum "The Social Contract of Higher Education", ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Stavanger, Norway, September 5-8,?2012
Leiber, T., Voigt, K.C.:?Beauty, the Will to Power and Life as Artwork. The Aesthetico-speculative Realism in Nietzsche and Whitehead. Presentation, International Conference "Asthetics in the 21st Century", ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Basel, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2012
Grifoll Saur¨ª, J.,?Leiber, T.:?How Does EXTERNAL Quality Assurance Make a Difference??Workshop presentation, 7th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF), How Does Quality Assurance Make a Difference?, Tallinn ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, Estonia, November 22-24,?2012
Evaluationen an Hochschulen: Methoden und Verfahren ¨C Leistungen und Grenzen.?Vortrag, Kolloquium ?Master of Evaluation¡°, Centrum f¨¹r Evaluation (Ceval), Universit?t des Saarlandes, Saarbr¨¹cken, 6. Dezember 2012
Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance Processes of Higher Education Institutions. Methodology and Application.?Presentation, ENQA Working Group Impact ¨C 3rd Meeting 2012, Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), Oslo, December 14, 2012
Leiber, T., Minke, B.:?Developing Performance Governance in Higher Education. Theoretical Model and a Case Study.?Presentation, EAIR 35th Annual Forum "The Impact of Higher Education", Erasmus ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Rotterdam, August 28-31, 2013
Von der Automatisierung zur Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation. Evaluatorische, ergonomische und ethische Perspektiven.?Vortrag, 20. Karlsruher Symposium Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik, Institut f¨¹r Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme, Karlsruher Institut f¨¹r Technologie (KIT), Schliffkopf (Baiersbronn, Schwarzwald), 28.-30. Oktober 2013
The Complex Concept of Nature. Epistemology, Science, Aesthetics, Ethics.?Presentation (presented in absence of the author), "A Conception of Nature for the 21st Century?", Conference at the Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt, Augsburg ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, June 22-23, 2014
Quality and Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. The AHELO Study, Accreditation and Performance Indicators. Presentation, EAIR 36th Annual Forum "Higher Education Diversity and Excellence for Society", ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Essen, Germany, August 27-30,?2014
Leiber, T.,?K?ster, A.:?Methoden des Qualit?tsmanagements und Steuerung von Organisationen. Qualit?tsentwicklung in integrativen Governance-Modellen und Bibliotheken.?Vortrag, ?Chancen und Risiken von Leistungsvergleichen f¨¹r Bibliotheken? ¨C Roundtable der gemeinsamen Managementkommission des dbv und VDB mit Impulsreferaten, Studio B der Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Dortmund, 15.-16. September 2014
Impact Evaluation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Theory, Methodology and Design.?Presentation, 9th EAPRIL Conference 2014, Nicosia (Cyprus), 25-28 November 2014
Leiber, T.,?Seidl, T.:?Pers?nlichkeitsentwicklung als elementares Bildungsziel. Perspektiven und Methoden der Umsetzung und Bewertung im Hochschulbereich. Beitrag zum Disqspace D5 ??berfachliche Kompetenzen¡°, 44. DGHD Jahrestagung 2015 ?Hochschuldidaktik im Dialog¡°, Paderborn, 4.-6. M?rz 2015
Scheuthle, H., Leiber, T.:?Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Results.?Presentation, 2015 INQAAHE Biennual Conference ¡°Changing Landscape of Higher Education: New Demands on Quality Assurance¡±, Chicago (USA), 30 March-3 April 2015
Explorative Evaluation von F?rderprogrammen in Studium und Lehre. Das Beispiel der Qualit?tspakt Lehre-Projekte. Vortrag, Fr¨¹hjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Hochschule der DeGEval, Universit?t Hannover, 8. Mai 2015
Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Preliminary Results.?Presentation, 2015 CEENQA Workshop and General Assembly ¡°Impact of Quality Assurance and Accreditation¡±, SQAA (NAKVIS), City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 22-23 May 2015
Strategizing Higher Education Institutions. The Role and Challenges of Mission Statements. Presentation, 37th Annual EAIR Forum Krems 2015 ¡°From Here to There: Positioning Higher Education Institutions¡±, Danube ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Krems, Austria, 30 August - 02 September 2015
Wirkungsevaluation von Qualit?tsmanagement im Hochschulbereich. Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Qualit?tsentwicklung in der Wissens- und Lerngesellschaft.?Vortrag, 18. Jahrestagung der?DeGEval ¨C Gesellschaft f¨¹r Evaluation ?Evaluation und Wissensgesellschaft¡±, Deutsches Forschungsinstitut f¨¹r ?ffentliche Verwaltung Speyer, 16.-18. September 2015
Integrated ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Governance and Rankings. Exploring the Interplay of Accountability, Competition and Autonomy. Presentation, 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f¨¹r Hochschulforschung??Neue Formen der Governance in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen: Forschungsstand und -perspektiven¡±, Bayerisches Staatsinstitut f¨¹r Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF)/ Kardinal-Wendel-Haus der Kath. Akademie Bayern, M¨¹nchen, Germany, 06-08 April 2016
ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Governance and the Threats of Accreditation and Evaluation. On the Sociology of Accountability, Competition and Autonomy in ¡®Specific Organisations¡¯.?Presentation, Dialog der Wissenschaften 2016 ?Der Wert der Universit?t ¨C als Ort des Denkens zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft¡±, Fakult?t f¨¹r Humanwissenschaften, Cultural Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit?t Magdeburg, Germany, 14-15 July 2016
Cooperative Capacity Building for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. A Comprehensive Set of Performance Indicators for Learning and Teaching. Presentation, EAIR 38th?Annual Forum ¡°Only Connect: Collaboration, Cooperation and Capacity Building through HE Partnerships¡±, Birmingham City ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, England, 31 August-03 September 2016
Leiber, T., Jakubowicz, S., Linder, L.-M., Suwalski, P.:?Effects of Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions. A SW(OT) Analysis of Selected Study Cases. Presentation, 19th?Annual Meeting of the DeGEval ¨C Society for Evaluation e.V., ?Zwischen Nutzung, Einfluss und Nachhaltigkeit ¨C Wie wirken Evaluationen in unterschiedlichen Systemen?¡±, School of Education/Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Salzburg, Austria, 21-23 September 2016
The Future of Quality Assurance: Higher Education Institutions On Their Way Towards Organisational Identities??Presentation, ASEAN-QA High Level Visit, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Potsdam, Germany, 7-11 November 2016
Leiber, T., Todorovski, B.:?Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Theory, Practice and Policy Perspectives in Discussion. Presentation/ Workshop at the 11th European Quality Assurance Forum, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 17-19 November 2016
Jurvelin, J., Leiber, T., Malinen, H.:?Breakout session 4.A 'practice': Impact analysis of external quality assurance processes of higher education ibnstitutions: the experience of the IMPALA project. Presentation/Workshop, EURASHE, Seminar on QA, Brussels, 06-07 February 2017
Leiber, T., Seppmann, G.:?Digital Performance Data Management in Higher Education.?Concepts of Smarter Universities and Institutional Reality. Presentation,?12th?Annual Meeting Gesellschaft f¨¹r Hochschulforschung ?Digitalisierung der Hochschulen: Forschung, Lehre und Administration¡±, Deutsches Zentrum f¨¹r Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW), Hannover, Germany, 30-31 March 2017
Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance. Invited Panel Contribution: Policy Event: Benchmarking Higher Education System Performance. EAIR 39th?Annual Forum "Under Pressure? Higher Education Institutions Coping with Multiple Challenges", ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 September 2017
The Concept of the ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Revisited. Exploration of Challenges, Purposes and Core Missions. Presentation,?13th?Annual Meeting Gesellschaft f¨¹r Hochschulforschung ?Hochschulr?ume: physische und konzeptionelle Verortung der Hochschulen in der Wissensgesellschaft¡±, Deutsche Universit?t f¨¹r verwaltungswissenschaften (DUV) Speyer, Speyer, Germany, 12-13 April 2018
Leiber, T., Kane, D., Williams, J:?Sustainable Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Core Data, Performance Indicators and Learning Analytics. Presentation and Workshop. EAIR 40th?Annual Forum "Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity in Higher Education", Central European ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, Budapest, Hungary, 26-29 August 2018
Reflections on Impact Evaluation of Interventions in Social Organisations: A Strategic SWOT Analysis. Presentation, 21st?Annual Meeting of the DeGEval ¨C Society for Evaluation e.V., ?Wirkungsorientierung und Evaluation¡±, Technical ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Dresden, Germany, 12-14 September 2018
Organizational Development Related to Performance Data Management in Learning and Teaching. A Case Study of Six European Universities Based on Benchlearning and Strategic SWOT Analysis.?Presentation at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf), ?Transformation der Gesellschaft ¨C Transformation der Wissenschaft. Wissensproduktion und Wissenschaftskommunikation in einer sich ver?ndernden Arbeits- und Lebenswelt¡±, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Magdeburg, Germany, 20-22 March 2019
Success Factors of Student Experience and Engagement Surveys. Insights from International Initiatives and Recommendations.?Presentation at the Spring Meeting 2019 of the Working Group Higher Education Institutions of DeGEval ¨C Society for Evaluation ?Der Student Lifecycle als Gegenstand von Studierendenbefragungen. Funktionen, Chancen und Perspektiven f¨¹r das Hochschulqualit?tsmanagement¡±, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Germany, 3-4 June 2019
Performance Data Governance and Management in Learning and Teaching: Basic Elements and Desiderata.?Presentation at the Workshop ?Facetten der Leistungsmessung an deutschen Universit?ten: Verfahren, Indikatorik, Wirkungen¡±, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Hannover, Germany, 6 June 2019
Justifying and Contextualising Performance Indicators of Learning and Teaching: The Role of Theories of Learning and Teaching.?Presentation at the SQELT International Evaluation Workshop ¡°Performance Indicators of Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Context: Governance, Quality Management, Learning Theories and Policy¡±, Danube ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Krems, Austria, 1-2 July 2019
Performance Data Governance and Management of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: What we have learned, what we should do and what we should refrain from.?Presentation at the SQELT International Evaluation Workshop ¡°Performance Indicators of Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Context: Governance, Quality Management, Learning Theories and Policy¡±, Danube ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Krems, Austria, 1-2 July 2019
Responsibility and the Future Mission(s) of the ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·. Exploration of Sustainable Core Strategies and Competencies and a Plea for the Strategic Open Republic of Scholars and Students.?Presentation, EAIR 41st?Annual Forum ¡°Responsibility of Higher Education Systems: What? Why? How?¡±, Leiden ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, Leiden, The Netherlands, 25-28 August 2019
Value and Challenges of the ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· and Evaluation in ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Governance. Presentation at the Block Seminar Graduiertenkolleg ?Wissenschaftsmanagement und Wissenschaftskommunikation als forschungsbasierte Praxen der Wissenschaftssystementwicklung¡±, DUV Speyer, Germany, 10.-14. Februar 2020
The Most Important Elements of Performance Data Governance in Learning and Teaching: Governance Guidelines, Performance Indicators, Data Ethics. Presentation at the SQELT EURO-REGION WORKSHOP GERMANY ¡°Elements of Performance Data Governance in Higher Education Learning and Teaching: Management Structures, Performance Indicators and Data Privacy¡±, Zoom Video Conference (evalag, Mannheim, Germany), 1 October 2020
The SQELT Strategic Partnership as a Case Study: (General) Perspectives and Insights for Benchlearning. Presentation at the SQELT EURO-REGION WORKSHOP PORTUGAL ¡°Melhoria da Qualidade do Ensino and Aprendizagem no Ensino Superior. Indicadores de Desempenho e Learning Analytics¡±, Zoom Video Conference (ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Aveiro, Portugal), 20 November 2020
The SQELT Strategic Partnership as a Case Study: (General) Perspectives and Insights for Benchlearning. Presentation at the SQELT EURO-REGION WORKSHOP PORTUGAL ¡°Learning and Teaching (L&T) Indicators in Higher Education: Propositions and Outlook¡±, Zoom Video Conference (Danube ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· Krems, Austria), 30 November 2020
A Comprehensive Set of Performance Indicators for Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Sustainable Development (HELTSD). Presentation at the EAIR Online Summit ¡°Improving future university performance: strategies, performance measurement and quality enhancement¡±, 22 February 2021 (in substitution of the 42nd Annual EAIR Forum Cork 2020 ¡°Sustaining the Future of Higher Education¡±)
A Concept of the (Future) ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·: Elements of Quality Literacy in Strategy, Management, Practice and Culture. Or: Some Sysyphosian Considerations. Presentation at the Spring Meeting 2021 of the Working Group Higher Education Institutions of DeGEval ¨C Society for Evaluation ?Hochschulen als Reflexions- und Zukunftsorte in disruptiven und ungewissen Zeiten¡°, Zoom Video Conference, 10 May 2021
Performance Assessment at Universities: Quality Literacy, Selected Indicatoric Models ¡ and Loads of Uncertainties. Vortrag auf der Tagung ?Indikatoren. Sicherheit und Unsicherheiten in Entscheidungsprozessen¡°, Schader Stiftung Darmstadt ¨C TU Darmstadt ¨C Universit?t Heidelberg, Zoom Hybrid-Video Conference, 20-21 Mai 2021
On Innovative Governance of Higher Education Institutions: Quality Literacy, Performance Indicators and a Focus on Learning and Teaching. Presentation at Conf¨¦rence FORUM INNOVATION. R¨¦seau de Recherche sur l¡®Innovation (RRI), Universit¨¦ du Littoral de C?te d¡®Opale, France, 1-2 June 2021
Digital Transformation in Higher Education Learning and Teaching: The Quality Digital Literacy We Need. Presentation at the EAIR 43rd Annual Forum ¡°Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education¡±, Humboldt ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·, Berlin, Germany, 8-11 September 2021 (online)
Leiber, T., Seyfried, M.: A Framework for Quality Literacy in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Quality Dimensions, Stakeholder Goals, Areas of Competencies and Related Performance Indicators. Presentation at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft f¨¹r Hochschulforschung (GfHf) 2021 ?Qualit?t im Hochschulsystem¡°, Universit?t Gie?en, Germany, 16-17 September 2021 (online)
Leiber, T., Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S., Rosa, M.J.: Principles of design and implementation of Learning and Teaching spaces: lessons learnt from German and Portuguese higher education. Presentation at ICERI2021 ¨C 14th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 8-10 November 2021 (online).
Leiber, T.: Wahrheit, L¨¹ge und Macht. Zu Physiognomie und Strategie von Verschw?rungserz?hlungen. Vortrag auf der Tagung ¡°Wo liegt die Wahrheit? Verschw?rungserz?hlungen und ihre Rezeption. Eine systematische Betrachtung unter besonderer Ber¨¹cksichtigung von Klimawissenschaft, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ·izin und Politik¡°, Lehrstuhl Philosophie mit SP Analytische Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, Augsburg, Germany, 21.-22. Januar 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.26416.84483
Leiber, T.: Macht und Evaluation im Hochschulbereich. Eine qualitative Exploration. 25. Jahrestagung der DeGEval ?Machtwissen? Evaluation zwischen Evidenz und (Mikro-)Politik¡°, P?dagogische Hochschule Ober?sterreich, Linz, Austria, 14.-16. September 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.34307.58402
Leiber, T., Rosa, M.J., Williams, J.: Politics and Practice of the Design, Implementation and Use of L&T Spaces in Higher Education. A Comparison of Case Studies from Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Regional Conference on Learning and Teaching Space in Education, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27539.35363
Leiber, T.: Principles of Design, Implementation and Use of L&T Space(s) in Higher Education. Intermediate results from the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership LTSHE. Symposium ¨C Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education in the Western Balkans, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14117.58081
Leiber, T.: Principles of the Design and Implementation of Learning and Teaching Spaces in Higher Education. Lessons learnt from the LTSHE project based on case studies from seven European countries. 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain, 6-8 March 2023
Leiber, T.: Digital transformation and future (all-time) skills: the role of the ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· and their educator¡¯s and students¡¯ competencies. Presentation at EDUdig Erasmus+ Project Closing Conference, Joint Programme with the 11th Teaching Day ?Future Skills und das Lehren und Lernen von morgen¡°, ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FHO?), Campus Linz, 25 April 2023
Gutachtert?tigkeit / Reviewer activity
Quality in Higher Education; European Journal of Higher Education; CELT: Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching; Higher Learning Research Communications (HLRC); Internationalisation of Higher Education ¨C Developments in the European Higher Education Area and Worldwide; PLOS ONE; Education Inquiry; Scientometrics (SCIM); IGI Global (book); Journal for General Philosophy of Science; Philosophical Papers; Synthese
Study Foundation of the German People (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes), Germany; Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF), Austria; Dutch Research Council (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; NWO), The Netherlands; Minerva Foundation / Fellowship Program (funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research), Germany; Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), Germany; Ministry of Science Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; (German) Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf), Germany; Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)/EU, Belgium; Austrian Exchange Service Society (?sterreichische Austauschdienst-Gesellschaft; OeAD), Austria
Presseartikel und Buchbesprechungen
101 Artikel?(1993-2011)???