Fabian Anzenhofer, Simon Schmidbaur, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
The potential of governmental regulation on shared mobility-on-demand systems
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 192, 104360 (2025)
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Julia Heger, Aleksey Min und Rudi Zagst
Analyzing credit spread changes using explainable artificial intelligence
International Review of Financial Analysis 94, 103315 (2024)
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Julia Heger und Robert Klein
Assortment optimization: a systematic literature review
OR Spectrum 46, 1099-1161 (2024)
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Jan Fabian Ehmke, Robert Klein, Claudius Steinhardt und Arne Strauss
Data-driven demand and supply management for online-to-offline logistic services [Editorial]
OR Spectrum 46, 237-240 (2024)
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Yevhen Havrylenko und Julia Heger
Detection of interacting variables for generalized linear models via neural networks
European Actuarial Journal 14, 551-580 (2024)
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Julia Heger und Robert Klein
Group-constrained assortment optimization under the multinomial logit model
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management , (im Druck)
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Lukas Janinhoff, Robert Klein und Daniel Scholz
Multitrip vehicle routing with delivery options: a data-driven application to the parcel industry
OR Spectrum 46, 241-294 (2024)
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Lukas Janinhoff, Robert Klein, Daniela Sailer und Jim Morten Schoppa
Out-of-home delivery in last-mile logistics: a review
Computers & Operations Research 168, 106686 (2024)
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Vienna Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic demand management and online tour planning for same-day delivery
European Journal of Operational Research 307, 860-886 (2023)
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Sebastian Spindler, Claudius Steinhardt und Robert Klein
Exact solution approaches for order acceptance and scheduling decisions in m-machine open shops
Computers & Industrial Engineering 176, 108952 (2023)
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David Fleckenstein, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Recent advances in integrating demand management and vehicle routing: a methodological review
European Journal of Operational Research 306, 499-518 (2023)
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Fabian Anzenhofer und Robert Klein
On-Demand-Plattformen für den ?ffentlichen Personennahverkehr
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 51, 10-17 (2022)
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Georg Bechler, Claudius Steinhardt und Jochen Mackert
On the linear integration of attraction choice models in business optimization problems
SN Operations Research Forum 2, 12 (2021)
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Amin Nazifi, Katja Gelbrich, Yany Grégoire, Sebastian Koch, Dahlia El-Manstrly und Jochen Wirtz
Proactive handling of flight overbooking: how to reduce negative eWOM and the costs of bumping customers
Journal of Service Research 24, 206-225 (2021)
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Georg Bechler, Claudius Steinhardt, Jochen Mackert und Robert Klein
Product line optimization in the presence of preferences for compromise alternatives
European Journal of Operational Research 288, 902-917 (2021)
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Robert Klein, Sebastian Koch, Claudius Steinhardt und Arne K. Strauss
A review of revenue management: recent generalizations and advances in industry applications
European Journal of Operational Research 284, 397-412 (2020)
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Sebastian Koch und Robert Klein
Route-based approximate dynamic programming for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery
European Journal of Operational Research 287, 633-652 (2020)
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Jochen Mackert
Choice-based dynamic time slot management in attended home delivery
Computers & Industrial Engineering 129, 333-345 (2019)
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Robert Klein, Michael Neugebauer, Dimitri Ratkovitch und Claudius Steinhardt
Differentiated time slot pricing under routing considerations in attended home delivery
Transportation Science 53, 236-255 (2019)
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Leonie Hutter, Florian Jaehn und Simone Neumann
Influencing factors on airplane boarding times
Omega 87, 177-190 (2019)
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Jochen Mackert, Claudius Steinhardt und Robert Klein
Integrating customer choice in differentiated slotting for last-mile logistics
Logistics Research 12, 5 (2019)
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Robert Klein, Jochen Mackert und Claudius Steinhardt
Nachfragesteuerung im Online-Lebensmittelhandel
WiSt - Wirtschaftschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 48, 12-18 (2019)
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Rouven Schur, Jochen G?nsch und Michael Hassler
Time-consistent, risk-averse dynamic pricing
European Journal of Operational Research 277, 587-603 (2019)
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Robert Klein, Jochen Mackert, Michael Neugebauer und Claudius Steinhardt
A model-based approximation of opportunity cost for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery
OR Spectrum 40, 969-996 (2018)
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Arne K. Strauss, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
A review of choice-based revenue management: theory and methods
European Journal of Operational Research 271, 375-387 (2018)
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Kristina Bayer, Sebastian Koch und Robert Klein
Monte Carlo Tree Search — ein L?sungsverfahren für dynamische Optimierungsprobleme an der Schnittstelle von Operations Research und Informatik
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 47, 11-18 (2018)
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Jochen G?nsch, Michael Hassler und Rouven Schur
Optimizing conditional value-at-risk in dynamic pricing
OR Spectrum 40, 711-750 (2018)
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Oliver Faust, Jochen G?nsch und Robert Klein
Demand-oriented integrated scheduling for point-to-point airlines
Transportation Science 51, 196-213 (2017)
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Sebastian Koch, Jochen G?nsch und Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic programming decomposition for choice-based revenue management with flexible products
Transportation Science 51, 1046-1062 (2017)
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Michael Hassler
Heuristic decision rules for short-term trading of renewable energy with co-located energy storage
Computers and Operations Research 83, 199-213 (2017)
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Sebastian Koch
Least squares approximate policy iteration for learning bid prices in choice-based revenue management
Computers and Operations Research 77, 240-253 (2017)
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Dominic Bühler, Robert Klein und Michael Neugebauer
Model-based delivery cost approximation in attended home services
Computers & Industrial Engineering 98, 78-90 (2016)
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Stefan Mayer und Claudius Steinhardt
Optimal product line pricing in the presence of budget-constrained consumers
European Journal of Operational Research 248, 219-233 (2016)
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Sebastian Koch, Jochen G?nsch, Michael Hassler und Robert Klein
Practical decision rules for risk-averse revenue management using simulation-based optimization
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 15, 468-487 (2016)
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Jochen G?nsch und Michael Hassler
Sell or store? An ADP approach to marketing renewable energy
OR Spectrum 38, 633-660 (2016)
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Jochen G?nsch
A note on a model to evaluate acquisition price and quantity of used products for remanufacturing
International Journal of Production Economics 169, 277-284 (2015)
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Robert Klein und Johannes Kolb
Maximizing customer equity subject to capacity constraints
Omega 55, 111-125 (2015)
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Jochen G?nsch und Claudius Steinhardt
On the incorporation of upgrades into airline network revenue management
Review of Managerial Science 9, 635-660 (2015)
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Jochen G?nsch
Buying used products for remanufacturing: negotiating or posted pricing
Journal of Business Economics 84, 715-747 (2014)
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Alexander Baur, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Model-based decision support for optimal brochure pricing: applying advanced analytics in the tour operating industry
OR Spectrum 36, 557-584 (2014)
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Jochen G?nsch, Sebastian Koch und Claudius Steinhardt
Revenue management with flexible products: the value of flexibility and its incorporation into DLP-based approaches
International Journal of Production Economics 153, 280-294 (2014)
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Andreas Deckert und Robert Klein
Simulation-based optimization of an agent-based simulation
NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking 15, 33-56 (2014)
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Stefan Mayer, Robert Klein und Stephanie Seiermann
A simulation-based approach to price optimisation of the mixed bundling problem with capacity constraints
International Journal of Production Economics 145, 584-598 (2013)
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Jochen G?nsch, Sebastian Koch und Claudius Steinhardt
An EMSR-based approach for revenue management with integrated upgrade decisions
Computers & Operations Research 40, 2532-2542 (2013)
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Jochen G?nsch, Robert Klein, Michael Neugebauer und Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic pricing with strategic customers
Journal of Business Economics 83, 505-549 (2013)
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Jochen G?nsch und Claudius Steinhardt
Using dynamic programming decomposition for revenue management with opaque products
Business Research 6, 94-115 (2013)
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Claudius Steinhardt und Jochen G?nsch
Integrated revenue management approaches for capacity control with planned upgrades
European Journal of Operational Research 223, 380-391 (2012)
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Wolfgang Burkart, Robert Klein und Stefan Mayer
Product line pricing for services with capacity constraints and dynamic substitution
European Journal of Operational Research 219, 347-359 (2012)
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Anita Petrick, Claudius Steinhardt, Jochen G?nsch und Robert Klein
Using flexible products to cope with demand uncertainty in revenue management
OR Spectrum 34, 215-242 (2012)
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Hans Ulrich Buhl, Robert Klein, Johannes Kolb und Andrea Landherr
CR2M — an approach for capacity control considering long-term effects on the value of a customer for the company
Journal of Management Control 22, 187-204 (2011)
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Robert Klein, Michael Neugebauer und Armin Scholl
Software zur Entscheidungsanalyse — eine Marktübersicht
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 40, 513-519 (2011)
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Andreas Deckert und Robert Klein
Agentenbasierte Simulation zur Analyse und L?sung betriebswirtschaftlicher Entscheidungsprobleme
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 60, 89-125 (2010)
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Anita Petrick, Jochen G?nsch, Claudius Steinhardt und Robert Klein
Dynamic control mechanisms for revenue management with flexible products
Computers & Operations Research 37, 2027-2039 (2010)
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Jochen G?nsch, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic pricing – state-of-the-art
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 79, 1-40 (2009)
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Jochen G?nsch, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Discrete Choice Modelling (Teil I)
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 37, 356-362 (2008)
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Jochen G?nsch, Robert Klein und Claudius Steinhardt
Discrete Choice Modelling (Teil II)
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 37, 412-418 (2008)
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Robert Klein
Network capacity control using self-adjusting bid-prices
OR Spectrum 29, 39-60 (2007)
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Alf Kimms und Robert Klein
Revenue management [Editorial]
OR Spectrum 29, 1-3 (2007)
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Wolfgang Domschke, Robert Klein und Anita Petrick
Revenue Management - Instrumente zur Erl?smaximierung im Luftverkehr
Forschungsmagazin der TU Darmstadt 2005, 46-50 (2005)
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Wolfgang Domschke und Robert Klein
Bestimmung von Opportunit?tskosten am Beispiel des Produktionscontrolling
Zeitschrift für Planung & Unternehmenssteuerung 15, 275-294 (2004)
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Armin Scholl, Robert Klein und Lutz H?selbarth
Planung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Informationsdynamik und zeitlichen Interdependenzen
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 33, 153-160 (2004)
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Robert Klein und Anita Petrick
Revenue Management - eine weitere Erfolgsstory des Operations Research
GOR News 2003, 5-9 (2003)
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Robert Klein
Revenue Management: quantitative Methoden zur Erl?smaximierung in der Dienstleistungsproduktion
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 53, 245-259 (2001)
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Robert Klein
Bidirectional planning: improving priority rule-based heuristics for scheduling resource-constrained projects
European Journal of Operational Research 127, 619-638 (2000)
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Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
PROGRESS: Optimally solving the generalized resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR) 52, 467-488 (2000)
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Wolfgang Domschke und Robert Klein
Produktionsprogrammplanung bei nichtlinearen Deckungsbeitragsfunktionen
WISU - das Wirtschaftsstudium 2000, 1649-1655 (2000)
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Robert Klein
Project scheduling with time-varying resource constraints
International Journal of Production Research 38, 3937-3952 (2000)
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Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
Scattered branch and bound - an adaptive search strategy applied to resource-constrained project scheduling
Central European Journal of Operations Research 7, 177-201 (2000)
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Armin Scholl und Robert Klein
Balancing assembly lines effectively – a computational comparison
European Journal of Operational Research 114, 50-58 (1999)
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Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
Computing lower bounds by destructive improvement: an application to resource-constrained project scheduling
European Journal of Operational Research 112, 322-346 (1999)
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A. Scholl und Robert Klein
ULINO: Optimally balancing U-shaped JIT assembly lines
International Journal of Production Research 37, 721-736 (1999)
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Armin Scholl, Robert Klein und Wolfgang Domschke
Logistik: Aufgaben der Tourenplanung
WISU - das Wirtschaftsstudium 1998, 62-67 (1998)
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Armin Scholl, Robert Klein und Wolfgang Domschke
Logistik: Methoden der Tourenplanung
WISU - das Wirtschaftsstudium 1998, 163-168 (1998)
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Armin Scholl, Robert Klein und Wolfgang Domschke
Pattern based vocabulary building for effectively sequencing mixed-model assembly lines
Journal of Heuristics 4, 359-381 (1998)
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Armin Scholl, Gabriela Krispin, Robert Klein und Wolfgang Domschke
Besser beschr?nkt: clever optimieren mit Branch and Bound
c't - Magazin für Computer Technik 1997, 336-345 (1997)
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Armin Scholl, Robert Klein und Christian Jürgens
Bison: a fast hybrid procedure for exactly solving the one-dimensional bin packing problem
Computers & Operations Research 24, 627-645 (1997)
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Armin Scholl und Robert Klein
Investitionsprogrammplanung bei Obelix GmbH & Co. KG
WISU - das Wirtschaftsstudium 1997, 1039-1040 (1997)
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Armin Scholl und Robert Klein
SALOME: A Bidirectional Branch-and-Bound Procedure for Assembly Line Balancing
INFORMS Journal on Computing 9, 319-334 (1997)
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Wolfgang Domschke, Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
Antizipative Leistungsabstimmung bei moderner Variantenflie?fertigung
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 66, 1465-1490 (1996)
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Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
Maximizing the production rate in simple assembly line balancing - a branch and bound procedure
European Journal of Operational Research 91, 367-385 (1996)
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Armin Scholl, Wolfgang Domschke und Robert Klein
Tabu Search - durch Verbote schneller optimieren
c't - Magazin für Computer Technik 1996, 326-332 (1996)
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Wolfgang Domschke, Robert Klein und Armin Scholl
Tabu Search - eine intelligente L?sungsstrategie für komplexe Optimierungsprobleme
WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 25, 606-610 (1996)
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