

Computer Code

available in PYTHON, MATLAB, GAUSS and JULIA


Burkhard Heer (burkhard.heer@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de) will be pleased to answer any questions about the programs.



Springer Verlag




The book's webpage at Springer



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Python programs (source code)

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GAUSS programs (source code)

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Matlab programs (source code)

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JULIA programs (source code)

Ch. 1. Introduction


? ? ?
Part I.?Useful Models ? ? ? ?
Ch. 2. Ramsey Model ? download ZIP file download ZIP file ?
Ch. 3.?The Overlapping Generations Model download ZIP file download ZIP file download ZIP file download ZIP file
Part II.?Fiscal Policy ? ? ? ?
Ch. 4.?Government Consumption ? download ZIP file download ZIP file ?
Ch. 5. Income Taxatation ? download ZIP file download ZIP file ?
Part III.??Social Security, Demographics, and Debt ? ? ? ?
Ch. 6.?Pensions download ZIP file download ZIP file download ZIP file download ZIP file
Ch. 7. Debt ? download ZIP file download ZIP file




Video tutorials for the GAUSS/MATLAB code are available here.


A script for the python code can be found here.


Hints for MATLAB-Users:?

In order to run the programs for the stochastic dynamic general equilibrium models of Chapters 4 and 5 (e.g., Ch4rbc1.mod), you need to install DYNARE (freely downloadable):




In order to start the program, change the path in Matlab to the directory containing the files and type:

dynare Ch4rbc1.mod

