Baur Isabella D., Habert Isabel, Markstaller Monica, Hartmann Kathrin, Mueller Arthur.
Streptococcal periorbital necrotizing fasciitis: case series on a rare but potentially life-threatening entity.
Heliyon 2025;11(1):e41420.
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Nagel Ines, Mueller Arthur, Freeman William R., Kozak Igor.
Laser-based therapy approaches in the retina: a review of micropulse laser therapy for diabetic retinopathy.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 2024;241(11):1201-1206.
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Nagel Ines, Mueller Arthur.
Ophthalmologische Erkrankungsbilder.
In: Hasan Alkomiet, editor. Praxishandbuch Somatik und Psyche: Wissen über somatische Erkrankungen für alle, die in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie t?tig sind. München: Urban & Fischer; 2024. p. 373-379.
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Baur Isabella Diana, Mueller Arthur, Labuz Grzegorz, Naujokaitis Tadas, Auffarth Gerd U., Khoramnia Ramin.
Refractive lens exchange: a review.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 2024;241(08):893-904.
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Mueller Severin F., Siedlecki Jakob, Mueller Arthur J..
Selektive Vitalfarbstoffe in der Makulachirurgie: erh?hen sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit der intraoperativen ILM-Identifizierung auch bei einem erfahrenen Operateur?.
Die Ophthalmologie 2024;121(3):207-215.
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Jiang Jana, B?hringer Daniel, Auw-H?drich Claudia, Maier Philip Christian, Barth Teresa, Eter Nicole, Fuest Matthias, Geerling Gerd, Heindl Ludwig M., Herwig-Carl Martina, Hintschich Christoph, Hufendiek Katerina, Kampik Daniel, Lieb Wolfgang, Meller Daniel, Mueller Arthur, Pfeiffer Norbert, Rehak Matus, Schargus Marc, Seitz Berthold, Spitzer Martin, Stahl Andreas, Süsskind Daniela, van Oterendorp Christian, Wagner Felix Mathias, Westekemper Henrike, Ziemssen Focke, Reinhard Thomas.
Current practice in the treatment of epithelial and melanocytic tumors with Interferon-alpha 2b: a survey among tertiary eye centers in Germany.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 2023;240(07):891-896.
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Werkl Peter, Woltsche N., Mueller Arthur J., Guschlbauer Luisa, Horwath-Winter J., Steinwender G., M?rtz Josef.
Akute Keratokonjunktivitis bei einem Züchter hochgiftiger exotischer Korallen.
Der Ophthalmologe 2022;119:1071-1073.
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Mueller Arthur.
Allergic conjunctivitis: an update.
In: Traidl-Hoffmann Claudia, Zuberbier Torsten, Werfel Thomas, editors. Allergic diseases – from basic mechanisms to comprehensive management and prevention. Cham: Springer; 2022. p. 95-99.
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Brandl Caroline, Günther Felix, Zimmermann Martina E, Hartmann Kathrin I, Eberlein Gregor, Barth Teresa, Winkler Thomas W, Linkohr Birgit, Heier Margit, Peters Annette, Li Jeany Q, Finger Robert P, Helbig Horst, Weber Bernhard H F, Küchenhoff Helmut, Mueller Arthur J., Stark Klaus J, Heid Iris M.
Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies.
BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2022;7(1):e000912.
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Winkelmann Isabel, Botros Youssef, Kojetinsky Corina, Sonntag Florian, Mueller Arthur.
Pl?tzliche Myopie.
Die Ophthalmologie 2022;120(4):426-429.
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Hartmann Kathrin, Eberlein Gregor, Freeman William R., Mueller Arthur J..
Spectral imaging of retinal structure after laser navigated subthreshold and threshold photocoagulation.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018;59(9):1535.
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Klingenstein Annemarie, Schaumberger Markus M., Freeman William R., Folberg Robert, Mueller Arthur J., Schaller Ulrich C..
MuSIC report III: tumour microcirculation patterns and development of metastasis in long-term follow-up of melanocytic uveal tumours.
Acta Ophthalmologica 2015;94(2):175-181.
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Tribus Claudia, Alge Claudia S., Haritoglou Christos, Lackerbauer Carlo, Kampik Anselm, Mueller Arthur J., Priglinger Siegfried G..
Indications and clinical outcome of capsular tension ring (CTR) implantation: a review of 9528 cataract surgeries.
Clinical Ophthalmology 2007;1(1):65-69.
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Reiniger Ingrid Wanke, Wolf Armin, Welge-Lüssen Ulrich, Mueller Arthur J., Kampik Anselm, Schaller Ulrich Christoph.
Osteopontin as a serologic marker for metastatic uveal melanoma: results of a pilot study.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2007;143(4):705-707.
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Priglinger Siegfried G., Haritoglou Christos, Palanker Daniel, Kook Daniel, Grueterich Martin, Mueller Arthur J., Alge Claudia S., Kampik Anselm.
Pulsed electron avalanche knife for capsulotomy in congenital and mature cataract.
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2006;32(7):1085-1088.
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Priglinger Siegfreid G., Haritoglou Christos, Mueller Arthur J., Grueterich Martin, Strauss Rupert W., Alge Claudia S., Gandorfer Arnd, Palanker Daniel, Kampik Aanselm.
Pulsed electron avalanche knife in vitreoretinal surgery.
Retina 2005;25(7):889-896.
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Haritoglou Christos, Eibl Kirsten, Schaumberger Markus, Mueller Arthur J., Priglinger Siegfried, Alge Claudia, Kampik Anselm.
Functional outcome after trypan blue–assisted vitrectomy for macular pucker: a prospective, randomized, comparative trial.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004;138(1):1-5.
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Haritoglou Christos, Gandorfer Arnd, Schaumberger Markus, Priglinger Siegfreid G., Mueller Arthur J., Gass Carolin A., Kampik Anselm.
Trypan blue in macular pucker surgery: an evaluation of histology and functional outcome.
Retina 2004;24(4):582-590.
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Mueller Arthur J., Neubauer Aljoscha S., Schaller Ulrich, Kampik Anselm.
Evaluation of minimally invasive therapies and rationale for a prospective randomized trial to evaluate selective intra-arterial lysis for clinically complete central retinal artery occlusion.
Archives of Ophthalmology 2003;121(10):1377-1381.
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Mueller Arthur J., Freeman William R., Folberg Robert.
Icg and time to growth of tumors.
Ophthalmology 2003;110(10):2068-2069.
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Priglinger Siegfried G., Neubauer Aljoscha S., May Christian-Albrecht, Alge Claudia S., Wolf Armin H., Mueller Arthur J., Ludwig Klaus, Kampik Anselm, Welge-Luessen Ulrich.
Optical coherence tomography for the detection of laser in situ keratomileusis in donor corneas.
Cornea 2003;22(1):46-50.
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Mueller Arthur J., Maniotis Andrew J., Freeman William R., Bartsch Dirk-Uwe, Schaller Ulrich C., Bergeron-Lynn Germaine, Cheng Lingyun, Taskintuna Ibrahim, Chen Xue, Kan-Mitchell June, Folberg Robert.
An orthotopic model for human uveal melanoma in SCID mice.
Microvascular Research 2002;64(2):207-213.
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Mueller Arthur J., Freeman William R., Schaller Ulrich C., Kampik Anselm, Folberg Robert.
Complex microcirculation patterns detected by confocal indocyanine green angiography predict time to growth of small choroidal melanocytic tumors.
Ophthalmology 2002;109(12):2207-2214.
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Ozerdem Ugur, Mach-Hofacre Beata, Varki Nissi, Folberg Robert, Mueller Arthur J., Ochabski Renata, Pham Tony, Appelt Krzysztof, Freeman William R..
The effect of prinomastat (AG3340), a synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases, on uveal melanoma rabbit model.
Current Eye Research 2002;24(2):86-91.
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Eibl Kirsten H., Mueller Arthur J., Ulbig Michael W..
Diagnose und Differenzialdiagnose des kombinierten Hamartoms der Retina und des retinalen Pigmentepithels.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 2001;218(11):697-701.
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Bechmann Martin, Mueller Arthur J., Gandorfer Arnd, Thiel Martin J., Freeman William R., Kampik Anselm.
Macular hole surgery in an eye with an optic pit.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2001;132(2):263-264.
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伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ele Ralph J., Stummer Walter, Mueller Arthur J., Steiger Hans-Jakob, Reulen Hans-Jürgen.
Terson's syndrome in subarachnoid hemorrhage and severe brain injury accompanied by acutely raised intracranial pressure.
Neurosurgical Focus 2001;11(4):851-854.
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Fuchs Anne V., Mueller Arthur J., Grueterich Martin, Ulbig Michael W..
Transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) in circumscribed choroidal hemangioma.
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2001;240(1):7-11.
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Neubauer Aljoscha S., Mueller Arthur J., Schriever Stefanie, Grüterich Martin, Ulbig Michael, Kampik Anselm.
Minimal invasive Therapie bei klinisch komplettem Zentralarterienverschluss - eigene Ergebnisse und Literaturvergleich.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 2000;217(1):30-36.
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Mueller Arthur J., Talies Silke, Schaller Ulrich C., Horstmann Gerhard, Wowra Bernd, Kampik Anselm.
Stereotactic radiosurgery of large uveal melanomas with the gamma-knife.
Ophthalmology 2000;107(7):1381-1387.
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Mueller Arthur J., Folberg Robert, Freemann William R., Bartsch Dirk-Uwe, Bergeron-Lynn Germanine, Mehaffey Mary G., Kan-Mitchell June, Huang Xiuqing, Jian Gong, Avila Cesar, Taskintuna Ibrahim, Cheng Lingyun, Wang Jim.
Evaluation of the human choroidal melanoma rabbit model for studying microcirculation patterns with confocal ICG and histology.
Experimental Eye Research 1999;68(6):671-678.
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Schaller Ulrich C., Walli Ravi K., Mueller Arthur J., Klau? Volker.
Regression der Zytomegalievirus-Retinitis bei AIDS-Patienten ohne systemische Anti-Zytomegalievirus-Erhaltungstherapie unter hochaktiver antiretroviraler Therapie (HAART).
Der Ophthalmologe 1999;96(12):829-831.
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Schaller Ulrich C., Macdonald J. Christopher, Mueller Arthur J., Karavellas Marietta P., Klau Volker, Scheider Andreas, Kampik Anselm, Freemann William R..
Removal of silicone oil with vision improvement after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment following cmv retinitis in patients with AIDS.
Retina 1999;19(6).
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Cheng Lingyun, hostetler Karl Y., Chaidhawangul Sunan, Gardner Michael F., Ozerdem Ugur, Bergeron-lynn Germaine, Mach-Hofacre Beata, Mueller Arthur J., Severson Gregory M., Freeman William r..
Treatment of herpes retinitis in an animal model with a sustainei delivery antiviral drug, liposomal 1-o-octadecyi-sn-glycerol-3-phosphonoformate.
Retina 1999;19(4):325-331.
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Grüterich Martin, Mueller Arthur J., Ulbig Michael, Kampik Anselm.
Was kann die Transpupill?re Thermotherapie (TTT) in der Behandlung von flachen posterioren Aderhautmelanomen leisten? - Eine systematische Literaturübersicht.
Klinische Monatsbl?tter für Augenheilkunde 1999;215(09):147-151.
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Smith Irene L., Taskintuna Ibrahim, Rahhal Firas M., Powell Henry C., Ai Everett, Mueller Arthur J., Spector Stephen A., Freeman William R..
Clinical failure of CMV retinitis with intravitreal cidofovir is associated with antiviral resistance.
Archives of Ophthalmology 1998;116(2):178-185.
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O’Connor Nathan J., Bartsch Dirk-Uwe, Freeman William J., Mueller Arthur J., Holmes Timothy J..
Fluorescent infrared scanning-laser ophthalmoscope for three-dimensional visualization: automatic random-eye-motion correction and deconvolution.
Applied Optics 1998;37(11):2021-2033.
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Mueller Arthur J., Bartsch Dirk-Uwe, Folberg Robert, Mehaffey Mary G., Boldt Culver, Meyer Margaret, Gardner Lynn M., Goldbaum Michael H., Pe'er Jacob, Freeman William R..
Imaging the microvasculature of choroidal melanomas with confocal indocyanine green scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.
Archives of Ophthalmology 1998;116(1):31-39.
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Avila Cesar P., Bartsch Dirk-Uwe, Bitner Daniel G., Cheng Lingyun, Mueller Arthur J., Karavellas Marietta P., Freeman William R..
Retinal blood flow measurements in branch retinal vein occlusion using scanning laser doppler flowmetry.
American Journal of Ophthalmology 1998;126(5):683-690.
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伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ele Ralph J., Stummer Walter, Mueller Arthur J., Steiger Hans-Jakob, Reulen Hans-Jürgen.
Terson's syndrome in subarachnoid hemorrhage and severe brain injury accompanied by acutely raised intracranial pressure.
Journal of Neurosurgery 1998;88(5):851-854.
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Taskintuna Ibrahim, Rahhal Firas M., Rao Narsing A., Wiley Clayton A., Mueller Arthur J., Banker Alay S., De Clercq Erik, Arevalo J. Fernando, Freeman William R..
Adverse events and autopsy findings after intravitreous cidofovir (HPMPC) therapy in patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Ophthalmology 1997;104(11):1827-1837.
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