Hohl Melissa, Willacker Lina, Raiser Theresa Marie, Rosenfelder Martin Justinus, Kuehlmeyer Katja, Bassi Marta, Comanducci Angela, Valota Chiara, Sitt Jacobo Diego, Bender Andreas.
Participatory development of an international information brochure on the multimodal assessment of disorders of consciousness.
Health Expectations 2024;27(6):e70097.
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Bender Andreas, Einh?upl B., G?tze D., Platz T..
Team-basierte Nachsorge bei Personen mit au?erklinischem Intensivpflegebedarf – erste Erfahrungen aus dem OptiNIV-Projekt.
Neurologie & Rehabilitation 2024;30(S1):12-15.
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Vitello Marie M., Rosenfelder Martin J., Cardone Paolo, Niimi Masachika, Willacker Lina, Thibaut Aurore, Lejeune Nicolas, Laureys Steven, Bender Andreas, Gosseries Olivia.
A protocol for a multicenter randomized and personalized controlled trial using rTMS in patients with disorders of consciousness.
Frontiers in Neurology 2023;14:1216468.
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Rosenfelder M. J., Helmschrott V. C., Willacker L., Einh?upl B., Raiser T. M., Bender Andreas.
Effect of robotic tilt table verticalization on recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness: a randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Neurology 2023;270(3):1721-1734.
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Vosoughi Ali, Raiser Theresa, Luther Tina, Willacker Lina, Rosenfelder Martin, Kasturi Akhil, Sitt Jacobo D., Manasova Dragana, Comanducci Angela, Bender Andreas, Wismüller Axel.
Leveraging large-scale Granger causality and neural networks to measure the level of consciousness in DoC patients.
Volpe Giovanni, Pereira Joana B., Brunner Daniel, Ozcan Aydogan, editors. Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2023: SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 20-25 August 2023, San Diego, CA, USA Bellingham, WA: SPIE; 2023. 1265507.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Bender Andreas, Platz Thomas, Straube Andreas.
Neurorehabilitation medicine.
In: Huss Ralf, editor. Digital medicine: bringing digital solutions to medical practice. New York, NY: Jenny Stanford; 2023. p. 383-406.
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Thibaut Aurore, Fregni Felipe, Estraneo Anna, Fiorenza Salvatore, Noe Enrique, Llorens Roberto, Ferri Joan, Formisano Rita, Morone Giovanni, Bender Andreas, Rosenfelder Martin, Lamberti Gianfranco, Kodratyeva Ekaterina, Kondratyev Sergey, Legostaeva Liudmila, Suponeva Natalia, Krewer Carmen, Müller Friedemann, Dardenne Nadia, Jedidi Haroun, Laureys Steven, Gosseries Olivia, Lejeune Nicolas, Martens Géraldine.
Sham‐controlled randomized multicentre trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for prolonged disorders of consciousness.
European Journal of Neurology 2023;30(10):3016-3031.
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Rosenfelder Martin Justinus, Spiliopoulou Myra, Hoppenstedt Burkhard, Pryss Rüdiger, Fissler Patrick, della Piedra Walter Mario, Kolassa Iris-Tatjana, Bender Andreas.
Stability of mental motor-imagery classification in EEG depends on the choice of classifier model and experiment design, but not on signal preprocessing.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2023;17:1142948.
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Bender Andreas, Eifert Bernd, Rubi-Fessen Ilona, Jox Ralf J., Maurer-Karattup Petra, Müller Friedemann.
The neurological rehabilitation of adults with coma and disorders of consciousness.
Deutsches ?rzteblatt international 2023;2023(120):605-612.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Boegle Karoline, Bassi Marta, Comanducci Angela, Kuehlmeyer Katja, Oehl Philipp, Raiser Theresa, Rosenfelder Martin, Sitt Jaco Diego, Valota Chiara, Willacker Lina, Bender Andreas, Grill Eva.
Informal caregivers of patients with disorders of consciousness: a qualitative study of communication experiences and information needs with physicians.
Neuroethics 2022;15(3):24.
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Platz Thomas, Kohlmann Thomas, Fle?a Steffen, Einh?upl Bernadette, Koppelow Martha, Willacker Lina, Gdynia Hans-Jürgen, Henning Esther, Herzog Jürgen, Müller Friedemann, Nowak Dennis A., Pletz Romy, Schlachetzki Felix, Schmidt-Wilcke Tobias, Schüttler Michael, Straube Andreas, Süss Rebekka, Ziegler Volker, Bender Andreas.
Optimizing home-based long-term intensive care for neurological patients with neurorehabilitation outreach teams – protocol of a multicenter, parallel-group randomized controlled trial (OptiNIV-Study).
BMC Neurology 2022;22(1):290.
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Willacker L., Raiser T. M., Bassi M., Bender Andreas, Comanducci A., Rosanova M., Sobel N., Arzi A., Belloli L., Casarotto S., Colombo M., Derchi C. C., Fló Rama E., Grill E., Hohl M., Kuehlmeyer K., Manasova D., Rosenfelder M. J., Valota C., Sitt J. D..
PerBrain: a multimodal approach to personalized tracking of evolving state-of-consciousness in brain-injured patients: protocol of an international, multicentric, observational study.
BMC Neurology 2022;22(1):468.
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Barra Alice, Rosenfelder Martin, Mortaheb Sepehr, Carrière Manon, Martens Geraldine, Bodien Yelena G., Morales-Quezada Leon, Bender Andreas, Laureys Steven, Thibaut Aurore, Fregni Felipe.
Transcranial pulsed-current stimulation versus transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with disorders of consciousness: a pilot, sham-controlled cross-over double-blind study.
Brain Sciences 2022;12(4):429.
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Thibaut A., Martens G., Estraneo A., Fiorenza S., Noe E., Llorens R., Formissano R., Morone G., Bender Andreas, Rosenfelder M., Lamberti G., Kodratyeva E., Legostaeva L., Krewer C., Müller F., Lejeune N..
tDCS in patients with disorders of consciousness: a multicentre randomized double-blind sham-controlled clinical trial [Abstract].
European Journal of Neurology 2022;29(S1):122.
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Abstracts of the 8th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Vienna, Austria
Bender Andreas.
Armfunktion auch Jahre nach Schlaganfall noch verbessert.
InFo Neurologie + Psychiatrie 2021;23(10):12-13.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Schembs Leah, Ruhfass Maria, Racine Eric, Jox Ralf J., Bender Andreas, Rosenfelder Martin, Kuehlmeyer Katja.
How does functional neurodiagnostics inform surrogate decision-making for patients with disorders of consciousness? A qualitative interview study with patients' next of kin.
Neuroethics 2021;14(3):327-346.
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Kuehlmeyer Katja, Bender Andreas, Jox Ralf J., Racine Eric, Ruhfass Maria, Schembs Leah.
Next of kin's reactions to results of functional neurodiagnostics of disorders of consciousness: a question of information delivery or of differing epistemic beliefs?.
Neuroethics 2021;14(3):357-363.
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Magliacano Alfonso, Rosenfelder Martin, Hieber Nina, Bender Andreas, Estraneo Anna, Trojano Luigi.
Spontaneous eye blinking as a diagnostic marker in prolonged disorders of consciousness.
Scientific Reports 2021;11(1):22393.
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Kondziella D., Bender Andreas, Diserens K., van Erp W., Estraneo A., Formisano R., Laureys S., Naccache L., Ozturk S., Rohaut B., Sitt J. D., Stender J., Tiainen M., Rossetti A. O., Gosseries O., Chatelle C..
European Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousness.
European Journal of Neurology 2020;27(5):741-756.
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Platz Thomas, Bender Andreas, Dohle Christian, Gorsler Anna, Knecht Stefan, Liepert Joachim, Mokrusch Thomas, Sailer Michael.
German hospital capacities for prolonged mechanical ventilator weaning in neurorehabilitation: results of a representative survey.
Neurological Research and Practice 2020;2(1):18.
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Muller Emily, Shock Jonathan P., Bender Andreas, Kleeberger Julian, H?gen Tobias, Rosenfelder Martin, Bah Bubacarr, Lopez-Rolon Alex.
Outcome prediction with serial neuron-specific enolase and machine learning in anoxic-ischaemic disorders of consciousness.
Computers in Biology and 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏icine 2019;107:145-152.
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Stefan Sabina, Schorr Barbara, Lopez-Rolon Alex, Kolassa Iris-Tatjana, Shock Jonathan P., Rosenfelder Martin, Heck Suzette, Bender Andreas.
Consciousness indexing and outcome prediction with resting-state EEG in severe disorders of consciousness.
Brain Topography 2018;31(5):848-862.
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Klingshirn Hanna, Mittrach Rene, Braitmayer Kathrin, Strobl Ralf, Bender Andreas, Grill Eva, Müller Martin.
RECAPDOC: a questionnaire for the documentation of rehabilitation care utilization in individuals with disorders of consciousness in long-term care in Germany: development and pretesting.
BMC Health Services Research 2018;18(1):329.
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Schwartz Christoph, Pfefferkorn Thomas, Ebrahimi Caroline, Ottomeyer Caroline, Fesl Gunther, Bender Andreas, Straube Andreas, Pfister Hans-Walter, Heck Suzette, Tonn J?rg-Christian, Schichor Christian.
Long-term neurological outcome and quality of life after World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grades IV and V aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in an interdisciplinary treatment concept.
Neurosurgery 2017;80(6):967-974.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI | URL
Lopez-Rolon Alex, Vogler Jana, Howell Kaitlen, Shock Jonathan, Czermak Stefan, Heck Suzette, Straube Andreas, Bender Andreas.
Severe disorders of consciousness after acquired brain injury: a single-centre long-term follow-up study.
NeuroRehabilitation 2017;40(4):509-517.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Golkowski Daniel, Merz Katharina, Mlynarcik Caroline, Kiel Tobias, Schorr Barbara, Lopez-Rolon Alex, Lukas Mathias, Jordan Denis, Bender Andreas, Ilg Rüdiger.
Simultaneous EEG–PET–fMRI measurements in disorders of consciousness: an exploratory study on diagnosis and prognosis.
Journal of Neurology 2017;264(9):1986-1995.
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Schorr Barbara, Schlee Winfried, Arndt Marion, Bender Andreas.
Coherence in resting-state EEG as a predictor for the recovery from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome.
Journal of Neurology 2016;263(5):937-953.
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Bender Andreas, Klopstock Thomas.
Creatine for neuroprotection in neurodegenerative disease: end of story?.
Amino Acids 2016;48(8):1929-1940.
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Binzer Isolde, Schmidt Hans Ulrich, Timmermann Tonius, Jochheim Maret, Bender Andreas.
Immediate responses to individual dialogic music therapy in patients in low awareness states.
Brain Injury 2016;30(7):919-925.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Bender Andreas, Adrion Christine, Fischer Luzia, Huber Martin, Jawny Kerstin, Straube Andreas, Mansmann Ulrich.
Long-term rehabilitation in patients with acquired brain injury: a randomized controlled trial of an intensive, participation-focused outpatient treatment program.
Deutsches ?rzteblatt international 2016;113(38):634-641.
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Brosel Sonja, Laub Christoph, Averdam Anne, Bender Andreas, Elstner Matthias.
Molecular aging of the mammalian vestibular system.
Ageing Research Reviews 2016;26:72-80.
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Jox Ralf J., Kuehlmeyer Katja, Klein Anke-Maria, Herzog Jürgen, Schaupp Matthias, Nowak Dennis A., Koenig Eberhard, Müller Friedemann, Bender Andreas.
Diagnosis and decision making for patients with disorders of consciousness: a survey among family?members.
Archives of Physical 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏icine and Rehabilitation 2015;96(2):323-330.
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Lopez-Rolon Alex, Bender Andreas.
Hypoxia and outcome prediction in early-stage coma (Project HOPE): an observational prospective cohort study.
BMC Neurology 2015;15(1):82.
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Bender Andreas, Jox Ralf J., Grill Eva, Straube Andreas, Lulé Dorothée.
Persistent vegetative state and minimally conscious state: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic procedures.
Deutsches ?rzteblatt international 2015;112(14):235-242.
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Becker Lore, Kling Eva, Schiller Evelyn, Zeh Ramona, Schrewe Anja, H?lter Sabine M., Mossbrugger Ilona, Calzada-Wack Julia, Strecker Valentina, Wittig Ilka, Dumitru Iulia, Wenz Tina, Bender Andreas, Aichler Michaela, Janik Dirk, Neff Frauke, Walch Axel, Quintanilla-Fend Leticia, Floss Thomas, Bekeredjian Raffi, Gailus-Durner Valérie, Fuchs Helmut, Wurst Wolfgang, Meitinger Thomas, Prokisch Holger, de Angelis Martin Hrabě, Klopstock Thomas.
MTO1-deficient mouse model mirrors the human phenotype showing complex I defect and cardiomyopathy.
PLoS ONE 2014;9(12):e114918.
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Koob Andrew O., Shaked Gideon M., Bender Andreas, Bisquertt Alejandro, Rockenstein Edward, Masliah Eliezer.
Neurogranin binds α-synuclein in the human superior temporal cortex and interaction is decreased in Parkinson's disease.
Brain Research 2014;1591:102-110.
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Schorr Barbara, Schlee Winfried, Arndt Marion, Lulé Dorothée, Kolassa Iris-Tatjana, Lopez-Rolon Alexander, Bender Andreas.
Stability of auditory event-related potentials in coma research.
Journal of Neurology 2014;262(2):307-315.
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Bender Andreas, Heulin Sandrine, R?hrer Stefan, Mehrkens Jan-Hinnerk, Heidecke Volkmar, Straube Andreas, Pfefferkorn Thomas.
Early cranioplasty may improve outcome in neurological patients with decompressive craniectomy.
Brain Injury 2013;27(9):1073-1079.
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Bender Andreas, Bauch Stefan, Grill Eva.
Efficacy of a post-acute interval inpatient neurorehabilitation programme for severe brain injury.
Brain Injury 2013;28(1):44-50.
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Müller Sarina K., Bender Andreas, Laub Christoph, H?gen Tobias, Schlaudraff Falk, Liss Birgit, Klopstock Thomas, Elstner Matthias.
Lewy body pathology is associated with mitochondrial DNA damage in Parkinson's disease.
Neurobiology of Aging 2013;34(9):2231-2233.
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Grill Eva, Klein Anke-Maria, Howell Kaitlen, Arndt Marion, Bodrozic Lydia, Herzog Jürgen, Jox Ralf, Koenig Eberhardt, Mansmann Ulrich, Müller Friedemann, Müller Thomas, Nowak Dennis, Schaupp Matthias, Straube Andreas, Bender Andreas.
Rationale and design of the prospective German registry of outcome in patients with severe disorders of consciousness after acute brain injury.
Archives of Physical 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏icine and Rehabilitation 2013;94(10):1870-1876.
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Howell Kaitlen, Grill Eva, Klein Anke-Maria, Straube Andreas, Bender Andreas.
Rehabilitation outcome of anoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy survivors with prolonged disorders of consciousness.
Resuscitation 2013;84(10):1409-1415.
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Klein Anke-Maria, Howell Kaitlen, Straube Andreas, Pfefferkorn Thomas, Bender Andreas.
Rehabilitation outcome of patients with severe and prolonged disorders of consciousness after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2013;115(10):2136-2141.
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Klein Anke-Maria, Howell Kaitlen, Vogler Jana, Grill Eva, Straube Andreas, Bender Andreas.
Rehabilitation outcome of unconscious traumatic brain injury patients.
Journal of Neurotrauma 2013;30(17):1476-1483.
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Bender Andreas, Desplats Paula, Spencer Brian, Rockenstein Edward, Adame Anthony, Elstner Matthias, Laub Christoph, Mueller Sarina, Koob Andrew O., Mante Michael, Pham Emily, Klopstock Thomas, Masliah Eliezer.
TOM40 mediates mitochondrial dysfunction induced by α-synuclein accumulation in Parkinson's disease.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(4):e62277.
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Bender Andreas, Herzog Jürgen, Schneider Manfred, Linn Jennifer, Winkler Tobias, Zausinger Stefan, Hartl Wolfgang H., Straube Andreas, Pfister Hans-Walter, Pfefferkorn Thomas.
Beyond herniation.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2012;114(8):1177-1180.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Bender Andreas, Howell Kaitlen, Frey Marcel, Berlis Ansgar, Naumann Markus, Buheitel Gernot.
Bilateral loss of cortical SSEP responses is compatible with good outcome after cardiac arrest [Letter].
Journal of Neurology 2012;259(11):2481-2483.
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Genius Just, Geiger Johanna, Bender Andreas, M?ller Hans-Jürgen, Klopstock Thomas, Rujescu Dan.
Creatine protects against excitoxicity in an in vitro model of neurodegeneration.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(2):e30554.
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Ottomeyer Caroline, Zeller Judith, Fesl Gunther, Holtmannsp?tter Markus, Opherk Christian, Bender Andreas, Dichgans Martin, Brückmann Hartmut, Pfefferkorn Thomas.
Multimodal recanalization therapy in acute basilar artery occlusion: long-term functional outcome and quality of life.
Stroke 2012;43(8):2130-2135.
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Koob A. O., Bruns L., Prassler C., Masliah E., Klopstock T., Bender Andreas.
Protein analysis through Western blot of cells excised individually from human brain and muscle tissue.
Analytical Biochemistry 2012;425(2):120-124.
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Winkler T., Mergner B., Szecsi J., Bender Andreas, Straube A..
Spinal and cortical activity-dependent plasticity following learning of complex arm movements in humans.
Experimental Brain Research 2012;219(2):267-274.
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Klopstock T., Elstner M., Bender Andreas.
Creatine in mouse models of neurodegeneration and aging.
Amino Acids 2011;40(5):1297-1303.
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Elstner Matthias, Morris Christopher M., Heim Katharina, Bender Andreas, Mehta Divya, Jaros Evelyn, Klopstock Thomas, Meitinger Thomas, Turnbull Douglass M., Prokisch Holger.
Expression analysis of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease and aging links transcriptional dysregulation of energy metabolism to cell death.
Acta Neuropathologica 2011;122(1):75-86.
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Elstner Matthias, Müller Sarina K., Leidolt Lars, Laub Christoph, Krieg Lena, Schlaudraff Falk, Liss Birgit, Morris Chris, Turnbull Douglass M., Masliah Eliezer, Prokisch Holger, Klopstock Thomas, Bender Andreas.
Neuromelanin, neurotransmitter status and brainstem location determine the differential vulnerability of catecholaminergic neurons to mitochondrial DNA deletions.
Molecular Brain 2011;4(1):43.
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Rémi J., Pfefferkorn T., Owens R. L., Schankin C., Dehning S., Birnbaum T., Bender Andreas, Klein M., Adamec J., Pfister H.-W., Straube A., Feddersen B..
The crossed leg sign indicates a favorable outcome after severe stroke [Letter].
Neurology 2011;77(15):1453-1456.
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Sauter Matthias, Bender Andreas, Heller Florian, Sitter Thomas.
A case report of the efficient reduction of calcium channel antibodies by tryptophan ligand immunoadsorption in a patient with Lambert–Eaton syndrome.
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2010;14(3):364-367.
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Dehning Sandra, Müller Norbert, Matz Judith, Bender Andreas, Kerle Irina, Benninghoff Jens, Musil Richard, Spellmann Ilja, Bondy Brigitta, M?ller Hans-Juergen, Riedel Michael, Zill Peter.
A genetic variant of HTR2C may play a role in the manifestation of Tourette syndrome.
Psychiatric Genetics 2010;20(1):35-38.
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Pfefferkorn Thomas, Holtmannspo?tter Markus, Schmidt Caroline, Bender Andreas, Pfister Hans-Walter, Straube Andreas, Mayer Thomas E., Bru?ckmann Hartmut, Dichgans Martin, Fesl Gunther.
Drip, ship, and retrieve: cooperative recanalization therapy in acute basilar artery occlusion.
Stroke 2010;41(4):722-726.
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Alston Charlotte L., Bender Andreas, Hargreaves Iain P., Mundy Helen, Deshpande Charulata, Klopstock Thomas, McFarland Robert, Horvath Rita, Taylor Robert W..
The pathogenic m.3243A>T mitochondrial DNA mutation is associated with a variable neurological phenotype.
Neuromuscular Disorders 2010;20(6):403-406.
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Horváth Rita, Bender Andreas, Abicht Angela, Holinski-Feder Elke, Czermin Birgit, Trips Tobias, Schneiderat Peter, Lochmüller Hanns, Klopstock Thomas.
Heteroplasmic mutation in the anticodon-stem of mitochondrial tRNAVal causing MNGIE-like gastrointestinal dysmotility and cachexia.
Journal of Neurology 2009;256(5):810-815.
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Elstner Matthias, Morris Christopher M., Heim Katharina, Lichtner Peter, Bender Andreas, Mehta Divya, Schulte Claudia, Sharma Manu, Hudson Gavin, Goldwurm Stefano, Giovanetti Alessandro, Zeviani Massimo, Burn David J., McKeith Ian G., Perry Robert H., Jaros E., Krüger Rejko, Wichmann H.‐Erich, Schreiber Stefan, Campbell Harry, Wilson James F., Wright Alan F., Dunlop Malcolm, Pistis Giorgio, Toniolo Daniela, Chinnery Patrick F., Gasser Thomas, Klopstock Thomas, Meitinger Thomas, Prokisch Holger, Turnbull Douglass M..
Single‐cell expression profiling of dopaminergic neurons combined with association analysis identifies pyridoxal kinase as Parkinson's disease gene.
Annals of Neurology 2009;66(6):792-798.
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Reeve Amy K., Krishnan Kim J., Taylor Geoffrey, Elson Joanna L., Bender Andreas, Taylor Robert W., Morris Christopher M., Turnbull Doug M..
The low abundance of clonally expanded mitochondrial DNA point mutations in aged substantia nigra neurons.
Aging Cell 2009;8(4):496-498.
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Bender Andreas, Beckers J., Schneider I., H?lter S. M., Haack T., Ruthsatz T., Vogt-Weisenhorn D. M., Becker L., Genius J., Rujescu D., Irmler M., Mijalski T., Mader M., Quintanilla-Martinez L., Fuchs H., Gailus-Durner V., Hrabé de Angelis M., Wurst W., Schmidt J., Klopstock T..
Creatine improves health and survival of mice.
Neurobiology of Aging 2008;29(9):1404-1411.
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Bender Andreas, Schwarzkopf R.-M., McMillan A., Krishnan K. J., Rieder G., Neumann M., Elstner M., Turnbull D. M., Klopstock T..
Dopaminergic midbrain neurons are the prime target for mitochondrial DNA deletions.
Journal of Neurology 2008;255(8):1231-1235.
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Bender Andreas, Samtleben Walter, Elstner Matthias, Klopstock Thomas.
Long-term creatine supplementation is safe in aged patients with Parkinson disease.
Nutrition Research 2008;28(3):172-178.
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Elstner M., Schmidt C., Zingler V. C., Prokisch H., Bettecken T., Elson J. L., Rudolph G., Bender Andreas, Halmagyi G. M., Brandt T., Strupp M., Klopstock T..
Mitochondrial 12S rRNA susceptibility mutations in aminoglycoside-associated and idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008;377(2):379-383.
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Reeve Amy K., Krishnan Kim J., Elson Joanna L., Morris Christopher M., Bender Andreas, Lightowlers Robert N., Turnbull Douglass M..
Nature of mitochondrial DNA deletions in substantia nigra neurons.
The American Journal of Human Genetics 2008;82(1):228-235.
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Krishnan Kim J., Bender Andreas, Taylor Robert W., Turnbull Douglass M..
A multiplex real-time PCR method to detect and quantify mitochondrial DNA deletions in individual cells.
Analytical Biochemistry 2007;370(1):127-129.
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Braun Isabella, Genius Just, Grunze Heinz, Bender Andreas, M?ller Hans-Jürgen, Rujescu Dan.
Alterations of hippocampal and prefrontal GABAergic interneurons in an animal model of psychosis induced by NMDA receptor antagonism.
Schizophrenia Research 2007;97(1-3):254-263.
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Bender Andreas, Schulte-Altedorneburg Gernot, Mayer Thomas E., Pfefferkorn Thomas, Birnbaum Tobias, Feddersen Berend, Brückmann Hartmut, Pfister Hans-Walter, Straube Andreas.
Functional outcome after severe cerebral venous thrombosis.
Journal of Neurology 2007;254(4):465-470.
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Rujescu Dan, Bender Andreas, Keck Martin, Hartmann Annette M., Ohl Frauke, Raeder Hanna, Giegling Ina, Genius Just, McCarley Robert W., M?ller Hans-Jürgen, Grunze Heinz.
A pharmacological model for psychosis based on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor hypofunction: molecular, cellular, functional and behavioral abnormalities.
Biological Psychiatry 2006;59(8):721-729.
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Bender Andreas, Koch W., Elstner M., Schombacher Y., Bender J., Moeschl M., Gekeler F., Mu?ller-Myhsok B., Gasser T., Tatsch K., Klopstock T..
Creatine supplementation in Parkinson disease: a placebo-controlled randomized pilot trial.
Neurology 2006;67(7):1262-1264.
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Bender Andreas, Krishnan Kim J., Morris Christopher M., Taylor Geoffrey A., Reeve Amy K., Perry Robert H., Jaros Evelyn, Hersheson Joshua S., Betts Joanne, Klopstock Thomas, Taylor Robert W., Turnbull Douglass M..
High levels of mitochondrial DNA deletions in substantia nigra neurons in aging and Parkinson disease.
Nature Genetics 2006;38(5):515-517.
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Bender Andreas, Auer Dorothee P., Merl Thomas, Reilmann Ralf, Saemann Phillip, Yassouridis Alexander, Bender Julia, Weindl Adolf, Dose Matthias, Gasser Thomas, Klopstock Thomas.
Creatine supplementation lowers brain glutamate levels in Huntington's disease.
Journal of Neurology 2005;252(1):36-41.
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Bender Andreas, Schulte-Altedorneburg G., Walther E. U., Pfister H.-W..
Severe tick borne encephalitis with simultaneous brain stem, bithalamic, and spinal cord involvement documented by MRI.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2005;76(1):135-137.
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Bender Andreas, Elstner Matthias, Paul Robert, Straube Andreas.
Severe symptomatic aseptic chemical meningitis following myelography: the role of procalcitonin.
Neurology 2004;63(7):1311-1313.
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Feddersen B., Bender Andreas, Arnold S., Klopstock T., Noachtar S..
Aggressive confusional state as a clinical manifestation of status epilepticus in MELAS.
Neurology 2003;61(8):1149-1150.
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Grunze Heinz, Bender Andreas, Wendhof Stefan, Sch?fer Martin, Rujescu Dan.
Neurotoxicity of NMDA antagonists: a glutamatergic theory of schizophrenia based on selective impairment of local inhibitory feedback circuits.
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 2000;2(3):287-298.
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