

Bachelor seminars

Our seminar program for Bachelor students includes the International Accounting Seminar (in the summer semester) and the ?Bachelorseminar Accounting (in the winter semester).


Reasons why you should attend our seminars

The seminar starts with an introduction to scientific work!

  • You will gain?important?skills on how to?write a scientific paper. These skills?enable you to dive deeper into more?advanced scientific work.
  • You get?access to?information and knowledge at a?very early stage, which is important for your future studies.
  • The skills you learn in our seminars will increase your personal potential for success.

The presentation of your seminar paper will take place in a small group!

  • The small group concept enhances active discussions.
  • Feedback increases your presentation skills.
  • You benefit from getting to know other fellow students.

Guaranteed acceptance to write your bachelor thesis at the chair of Professor Schultze!

If you have successfully completed one of the two seminars with a grade of 2.3 or better, we guarantee?to?accept?your application for writing a bachelor's thesis at our chair.?


International Accounting Seminar


The International Accounting seminar is held in cooperation with the auditing firm KPMG and covers various key accounting topics in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). In presentations and interactive workshops, the auditing firm's experts provide knowledge on the topics of leasing, financial instruments, hedging/derivatives, revenue recognition, business combinations, deferred taxes, pension provisions and share-based executive compensation. Practical insights into the world of auditing are, of course, not neglected. Students learn to understand, apply and critically evaluate the fundamentals of IFRS accounting. The course also offers insights into the standard-setting process and highlights current IASB projects. The seminar also serves as an optimal preparation for writing a thesis at the chair of Prof. Dr. W. Schultze.



Contact person Nadine Zbiegly
Recommended semester of study from the 4th semester
Frequency of the examination Every summer semester
Specialization of the course Bachelor BWL, VWL, GBM, ReWi, WINF
Credit Points 5 LP
Examination form Presentation, seminar paper
Language German

Bachelorseminar Accounting


The Bachelorseminar Accounting allows you to independently deal?with various topics that are currently of public interest or belong to the research areas of the Chair of Auditing and Controlling. By writing a term paper you will gain deeper scientific insights in the respective topic. After successful participation in this seminar, you will be able to independently apply basic qualitative and/or quantitative methods from the field of accounting and correctly interpret the results of your studies and analyses. In addition to the critical examination of relevant scientific literature, this will also enhance your communication and rhetoric skills. The seminar is the ideal?preparation for writing a final bachelor thesis at the chair of Prof. Schultze.




Contact person Dr. Christina Manthei-Geh
Recommended semester of study from the 4th semester
Frequency of the examination Every winter semester
Specialization of the course Bachelor BWL, VWL, GBM, ReWi, WINF
Credit Points 5 LP
Examination form Presentation, seminar paper
Language German
(applied filters: semester: SS 2024 | institute: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze - Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling | lecturers: Nadine Zbiegly | languages: deutsch | course types: Seminar)

(applied filters: semester: WS 2024/25 | institute: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze - Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling | lecturers: Christina Manthei-Geh | languages: deutsch | course types: Seminar)

Master seminar

Our seminar program for Master's students includes the Accounting Research Seminar (in both summer and winter semesters). In this seminar, we examine current research papers on central issues of research in the field of financial and managerial accounting. This gives you a deeper insight into the current state of research on a topic of the research focus at the chair. The seminar is the ideal preparation for your master's thesis.


Reasons why you should attend the Accounting Research Seminar

  • The seminar is the ideal preparation for a master thesis in accounting.
  • It familiarizes students with accounting research methods and prepares them to write their own research project.
  • In this seminar, students learn to critically read and evaluate scientific texts on current research topics.
  • Participants gain a deeper understanding of scientific work in the field of accounting. They receive ideas for possible questions in a subsequent master's thesis and develop an overview of the current state of research for the topics covered in the seminar.
  • Students develop important methodological skills and are able to critically question research approaches and conclusions.

Guaranteed acceptance to write your master thesis at the chair of Schultze!

If you have successfully completed the seminar with a grade of 2.3 or better, we guarantee to accept your complete application for a thesis at the chair.




The seminar examines current issues in international accounting and corporate management. Specific questions are addressed in each seminar. These include questions such as: What are specific advantages but also disadvantages of fair value accounting? How do different compensation systems affect the behavior of managers? What role do analyst forecasts play in the context of financial reporting? How reliable is information from supplementary voluntary disclosures? In the winter semester of 2024/2025, central and current research papers on the overarching topic "Analysts, CSR, and Corporate Governance"?will be discussed. In this way, you will gain deeper insights into the current state of accounting research. In addition, you will develop competencies in critically reading scientific papers.



Contact person Josipa ?uri?
Recommended semester of study 1st-3rd semester
Specialization of the course Master iBWL, BWL, VWL, GBM, ReWi, DFM, WING, Business Mathematics, Mathematics
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every semester
Examination form Presentation, seminar paper
Language German
(applied filters: semester: current | institute: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze - Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling | lecturers: Josipa Curic | course types: Seminar)
