

Cooperation Opportunities

Countless Possibilities ...

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Research projects by means of project management and funding programmes


?Your challenge - our joint research path“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Hall cooperation for joint realisation of production technology goals

?Your production technology - jointly validating, developing personnel, achieving goals“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Operator models for your plant/ machine??

?Your plant - our personnel, knowledge and analytics“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Contract research and industrial assignments

?Your specification - our capacities for analysis, testing and much more“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Further education in STEM and AI

?Your skilled workforce - our capacities for analysis, testing and much more!“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Innovation by means of a joint venture? ??

?Start-Up - success through entrepreneurial will“

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

Theses, gladly also on site at your company

?Industrial master theses - the best job interview in the world“

... with a lot of Creative Freedom

? unsplash

Duration of a Cooperation


We determine the duration of the cooperation individually with you according to your wishes.

? unsplash

What is possible?


The scope is tailor-made: Let us develop processes together or take advantage of the opportunity to test a system or have it tested.

? unsplash

What do you provide?


For this, we need your machines and, if necessary, also personnel support. Depending on how you would like to structure the cooperation.

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

What we provide


A place for your plant in the factory, personnel, connection/ networking and trial runs.

Approach Us!

??Start: You come to us with your question.


??Inventory: Where are the challenges? Can we help?


??Consultation: We will discuss financing options with you. (Selection of suitable funding, formation of consortia and support during the application phase).


??Implementation: Together, we handle bilateral research projects or collaborative research projects.


? Result: Successful knowledge transfer through projects and through accompanying further training measures.




Stephan Schlüter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Kontakt für Firmen
KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg

