


Research Cluster of the GGS

Cluster 1: Telling/ Stories ? ?


Research in the humanities and social sciences contributes to knowledge about societies, collective identities and social interaction. It opens up hidden or forgotten spaces of memory, examines stories and history, our language and communication. The “Telling/Stories” cluster looks at the past and what has been handed down and examines transformation, communication, memory and narrative processes. It also focuses on the impact and function of language and history(ies), their characteristics, developments and meanings for the development and constitution of societies in transition. ? ?



[more soon] ?


Upcoming events:

[soon you will find more information here]



Registration for the Cluster Telling/Stories
Here you can tell us about subject areas, questions, methods, forms of work or even hoped-for advantages for your academic career.
Please don't check this box if you are a human.
