Research Themes
Land surface -?
atmosphere coupling -
Emerging ecosystem responses to climate change
Global carbon cycle
Novel satellite data for vegetation monitoring
Academic Experience
Wolfgang Buermann received his scientific education mainly in the Anglo-Saxon area. In 1997 he graduated from the 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of Connecticut as a Master of Science in Physics. He then earned his doctorate in the years 1998 to 2002 at the Department of Earth and Environment Boston 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏, Boston, Massachusetts. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher from 2002-2005 at the 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of California, Berkeley and from 2005-2007 at the 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of California, Los Angeles. From 2007 to 2012, Buermann was Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of California, Los Angeles. He then researched and taught as Associate Professor of Land Surface - Vegetation Modeling at the School of Earth and Environment at the 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of Leeds, England. Since October 2018 he has held the Chair of Physical Geography with a focus on climate research at the Augsburg 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏.
No courses available.
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