

eCIRCUS - Education through Characters with emotional-Intelligence and Role-playing Capabilities that Understand Social Interaction


Start: 01.03.2006
Duration: 36 Month
Funded by: EU
Local Head of Project: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André
Local Scientists: Dr. Thurid Vogt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Rehm, Dr. Karin Bee
Participating Scientists: http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/




About the Project

eCIRCUS will develop a new approach in the use of ICT to support social and emotional learning within Personal and Social Education (PSE). This will be achieved through virtual role-play with synthetic characters that establish credible and empathic relations with the learners. To attain this, eCIRCUS investigates educational role-play using autonomous synthetic characters and involving the child through affective engagement, including the use of standard and highly innovative interaction mechanisms.
