

Thesis Topics

Problem Zoo

An important part of scientific research is to identify the most important and promising questions to work on and to obtain an overview of prior research on these topics. The purpose of the announced project is to facilitate this work by creating a ?Problem Zoo“?for problems from (mainly but not restricted to) combinatorial optimisation.


Basically, a problem zoo is a collection of problems and results. The idea is to have a public web service, where one can visualize the connection between these problems, and see all details of the problems and the corresponding results.


We are hiring enthusiastic students as Teaching Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft) for this project!

Warehouse Scheduling

Optimization of warehouse logistics in cooperation with the chair of Organic Computing. (Different project modules, in particular for Master’s theses. Contact person for Resource Aware Algorithmics: Prof. M?mke)

Thesis Topics

If you are interested in theoretical algorithmic research and you would like to write your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in our group, please contact Prof. M?mke by e-mail. We then will discuss, which topic fits best for the current situation. In particular, the focus of our groups is based on

  • Approximation Algorithms
  • Online Algorithms
  • Algorithms for Big Data
