Institute of Geography
Geography Education
Human Geography and Transformation Research
Physical Geography and Climate Science
Regional Climate and Hydrology
Biogeography (Physical Geography and Quantitative Methods)
Applied Geoinformatics
Water and Soil Resource Research
Hydrology and Applied Physical Geography
Institut for Computer Science
Databases and Information Systems
Embedded Systems
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Theoretical Computer Science
Machine Learning and Computer Vision
Concurrent Systems
Organic Computing
Engineering Informatics - Measurement and Control Technology
Engineering Informatics - Manufacturing Informatics
Engineering Informatics - Mechatronics
IT infrastructures for Translational 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ical Research
Biomedical Informatics, Data Mining and Data Analytics
Resource Aware Algorithmics
Networked Embedded Systems and Communication Systems
Informatics for 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ical Technology
Modeling and Simulation of Biological Processes
Chair for Diagnostic Sensing