From July 9th through 13th, JuliaCon 2024 took place at the PSV soccer stadium in Eindhoven, Netherlands. It presented a great opportunity to meet a lot of fellow Julia users and developers and enabled many interesting face-to-face discussions with core Julia developers. It was also nice to meet a number of members of the Trixi Framework development team, such as Hendrik Ranocha (伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of Mainz), Erik Faulhaber and Benedict Geihe (both 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 of Cologne), and Daniel Doehring (RWTH Aachen 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏).
Niklas (HLRS Stuttgart/HPSC Lab) and Michael (HPSC Lab) were also present and gave talks on particle-based multiphysics simulations with
TrixiParticles.jl?and on
secure numerical computations with fully homomorphic encryption. Overall, it was a great event and we are looking forward to next year!
The Trixi Framework team at JuliaCon 2024. From left to right: Michael Schlottke-Lakemper, Benedict Geihe, Niklas Neher, Hendrik Ranocha, Daniel Doehring ? Daniel Doehring