

Curriculum Vitae

Since September 2021

  • Project coordinator for the university-wide project ?Kompetenzentwicklung durch authentische, digitale und feedbackbasierte Lehr-Lernszenarien st?rken (KodiLL)“


  • September 2017: Research stay at the Arizona State 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏 (Phoenix) in the research lab of Prof. Micki Chi
  • Member of the graduate program “Educational Research” at the Graduate School for Humanities and Social Sciences (GGS)

Since 2015

  • Research assistant at the Department of Educational Psychology


  • Research assistant with a focus on enhancing students’ self-regulated learning skills in the Center of Higher Education at TUM Munich


  • 2010 - 2011:?Erasmus program at the Université Bordeaux Segalen
  • Master’s degree in Educational Sciences, Psychology and Intercultural Communication at LMU Munich

Courses / teaching

No courses available.





2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016


Wekerle, Christina, Kiemer, Katharina, Wagner, Kai, Trempler, Kati, Krause-Wichmann, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (in press). Comparing pre-service teachers', in-service teachers' and educational researchers' evidence-informed reasoning about classroom situations – results of a mixed methods investigation.
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?zbek, Tugce, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Do different goals affect the configuration of university students' internal collaboration scripts? Results of an epistemic network analysis study. https://doi.org/10.22318/cscl2024.633786
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Heiler, Katharina, Wekerle, Christina, Bischoff, Alena, Schweiger, Moritz, Peuschel, Kristina, Proske, Kerstin, Weckerle, Birgit, Vettermann, Lisa, & Schindler, Ann-Kathrin (2024). Ein heuristisches Rahmenmodell für videobasierte Lehr-Lernszenarien in der Hochschullehre [Poster].
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?zbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12047-2
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?zbek, Tugce, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Gegenfurtner, Andreas, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). How do different goals affect students' internal collaboration script configurations? Results of an epistemic network analysis study. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1410152
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Stark, Katharina Sophie, Wekerle, Christina, Bischoff, Alena, Schweiger, Moritz, Peuschel, Kristina, Proske, Kerstin, Weckerle, Birgit, Vettermann, Lisa, & Schindler, Ann-Kathrin (in press). A heuristic framework for video-based teaching and learning scenarios in higher education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2023.2242980
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Fey, Carl-Christian, Wekerle, Christina, Beckmann, Inke, Schr?der, Arne, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Agile Methoden in Entwicklungsprojekten zur Innovation digitaler Hochschullehre. https://doi.org/10.21240/zfhe/18-03/14
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Wekerle, Christina (2023). Exploring (typical) technology-enhanced learning activities in higher education and their effects on students' cognitive and affective-motivational learning outcomes.
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Wekerle, Christina, Kaistra, Eva, Dufter, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Ist weniger mehr? Die Effekte von Fading von L?sungsbeispielen auf die professionelle Wahrnehmung technologiegestützten Unterrichts von Lehramtsstudierenden.
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Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning: do attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy facilitate the use of scientific theories to analyze teaching problems?. https://doi.org/10.1177/14757257221113942
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Krause-Wichmann, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Kollar, Ingo, & Stark, Robin (2023). Promoting future teachers' evidence-informed reasoning scripts: effects of different forms of instruction after problem-solving. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1001523
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?zbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). "It's good because he said so" – the effects of pre-service teachers' passive vs. constructive engagement on technology acceptance.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Effekte individueller und kontextueller Faktoren auf die evidenz- und erfahrungsorientierte Reflexion mediengestützten Unterrichts von Lehramtsstudierenden.
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Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). F?rderung evidenzorientierten Denkens von Lehramtsstudierenden: Effekte von Lehrtexten mit Anwendungsbezug und unterschiedlich stark strukturierten Probleml?seprompts.
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Wekerle, Christina (2022). 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏iendidaktische Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen – Bedingungen und Effekte.
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Sailer, Michael, Wekerle, Christina, & Petko, Dominik (2022). New ways to investigate teachers' and students' technology use - applying the ICAP model to TEL research.
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Wekerle, Christina & Daumiller, Martin (2022). Technologiegestützte Lehre, aber wie? Kognitive und motivational-affektive Effekte unterschiedlicher technologiegestützter Lernaktivit?ten.
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Wekerle, Christina, Daumiller, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Technology-enhanced learning activities, cognitive and affective-motivational learning outcomes in higher education – how are they related?.
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?zbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). The effects of pre-service passive vs. constructive engagement on technology acceptance.
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?zbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). The effects of pre-service teachers' passive vs. constructive engagement on technology acceptance.
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Wekerle, Christina, Daumiller, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: the importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2020.1799455
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Using technology to promote student learning? An analysis of pre- and in-service teachers' lesson plans. https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2022.2083669
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?zbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). ?bung macht (nicht) den Meister? – Die F?rderung der Technologieakzeptanz von Lehramtsstudierenden mithilfe unterschiedlicher Lernaktivit?ten.
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Wekerle, Christina, Kiemer, Katharina, Wagner, Kai, Trempler, Kati, Greisel, Martin, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Contrasting pre-service teachers', in-service teachers' and educational researchers' evidence-informed reasoning.
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Wilkes, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Kollar, Ingo, & Stark, Robin (2021). Effekte abstrakter vs. ausgearbeiteter Muster- und Fehll?sungen in der LehrerInnenbildung.
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Wekerle, Christina, Trempler, Kati, Kiemer, Katharina, Wagner, Kai, Wilkes, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Clanzett, Sven, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Evidenzorientiertes Denken von Lehramtsstudierenden, Lehrkr?ften und Bildungswissenschaftler*innen.
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Wekerle, Christina, ?zbek, Tugce, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Fostering pre-service teachers' technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with information matter?.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Fostering pre-service teachers’ situation-specific technological pedagogical knowledge – does learning by mapping and learning from worked examples help?. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106617
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Wekerle, Christina (2021). Teachers' and teacher educators' evidence-informed practice: takeaways for teacher education.
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Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Trempler, Kati, Kollar, Ingo, & Stark, Robin (2021). Using the theory of planned behavior to explain pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning.
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Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Which motivational factors predict pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning when being confronted with teaching problems?.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2020). Closing the research-practice gap: supporting pre-service teachers' evidence-oriented reasoning about technology-enhanced teaching.
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Kiemer, Katharina, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2020). Kooperationsskripts beim technologieunterstützten Lernen. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54373-3_29-1
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Adammek, Christine, Endberg, Manuela, Steffens, Yannik, & Wekerle, Christina (2019). Digitale 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ien im Untericht – Entwurf eines Planungsinstruments für Referendar*innen.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2019). Using external scripts to enhance pre-service teachers' internal technology-related reasoning scripts.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2019). Wie nutzen Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkr?fte wissenschaftliche und subjektive Theorien bei der Reflexion mediengestützter Unterrichtsszenarien? [Poster].
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Analyzing pre-and in-service teachers' technology-supported teaching scripts – an expert-novice comparison.
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Proff, Alexandra von, Matthes, Eva, Heiland, Thomas, Mayer-Simmet, Oliver, & Wekerle, Christina (2018). Digitale 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ien im Unterricht – aktuelle Fragestellungen der Theorie und Praxis: zum (Qualit?ts-)Diskurs um Open Educational Resources (OER).
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Effects of expertise on teachers' technology-supported teaching scripts. https://doi.org/10.22318/cscl2018.1569
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Wekerle, Christina, Daumiller, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Effekte der Nutzung digitaler 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ien in der Hochschullehre: was sagen die Studierenden?.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Effekte von mediendidaktischer Expertise auf die 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ienunterrichtsskripts von Lehrkr?ften.
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Wekerle, Christina & Backfisch, Iris (2018). Erfassung mediendidaktischer Kompetenzen von Lehrkr?ften und Effekte auf den Einsatz von digitalen 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ien im Unterricht.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). How do teachers reason about technology use in the classroom? Teachers' use of scientific and subjective theories and the effects of expertise.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Using scientific and subjective knowledge to analyze technology-supported teaching: a question of (technology-related) teaching expertise? [Poster].
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Kiemer, Katharina, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2017). A script approach to the conceptualization of pre-service teachers' evidence-based reasoning.
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2017). Effekte von Lehrerexpertise auf den Einsatz von digitalen 伟德国际_伟德国际1946$娱乐app游戏ien im Unterricht – eine Skriptperspektive.
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Kiemer, Katharina, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Analyse und F?rderung evidenzorientierter Problemkonzeptualisierung zur Bew?ltigung p?dagogischer Problemsituationen [Poster].
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Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Analyse und F?rderung mediendidaktischer Kompetenzen von Lehrkr?ften [Poster].
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Draghina, Mario, Stahl, Christine, & Wekerle, Christina (2016). Videos in der Lehrerbildung im Rahmen des LeHet-Projekts [Poster].
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