

20th June 2022

social science guest lecture in the summer semester 2022


lecture by: Frau Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp (ZIRIUS)

topic: "Urban Experimenting in an Unequal Society: Alternative Food Networks' Politics and their Societal Dividing Line"


21st - 23rd April 2022

Online-Workshop: Decolonising Discourse Studies

organised by: Dr. Anna Schwachula und Dr. Annette Knaut

topic: ?Decolonising Discourse Studies. Qualitative research on (non)discursive and postcolonial construction of realities“




menah visuals

21st June 2021

social science guest lecture in the summer semester of 2022



lecture by: Patrik Budenz, Photograher

topic:? "Artistic Photography as Ethnological Practice?"

18th - 19th June 2021

Conference: Societies During the Crisis



organised by: Dr. Debora Frommeld & Dr. Annette Knaut

topic: ?Societies During the Crisis. Establishing Regimes of Knowledge and (Non-) Discoursive Practices During the Dissemination of SARS-CoV-2“



social science guest lecture in the winter semester 2020/2021



lecture by:?Dr. habil. Fritz Reusswig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK)?

topic: "The new polarization of the climate discourse in Germany – manifestations, reasons, perspectives"?


Sociology and Jazz - Howard S. Becker and Reiner Keller in live conversation



lectured by: Howard S. Becker & Reiner Keller

topic: part of the digital DGS congress "Society under Tension"


Springschool knowledge sociological discourse analysis 2020



topic: The Springschool Knowledge Sociological Discourse Analysis (WDA) is aimed at scientists from various social and humanities disciplines who want to work?in qualification projects or research projects with discourse-theoretical and discourse-analytical perspectives of the WDA.



3rd february 2020

social science guest lecture in the winter semester 2019/2020



lecture by: Prof. Dr. Matthias Gro?

topic: Give me an experiment and I'll find a lab

more information: If you look at today's discussions about real labs or urban and living labs in the context of the energy transition or geoengineering, one might get the impression that experimentation first takes place outside the ancestral areas of science in the wider society and the laboratory falls behind. But how could this be framed sociologically?



social science guest lecture in the winter semester 2019/2020





lecture by: Prof. Dr. Bernt Schnettler

topic: Visual Ethnography of an Intermediate World. In the FARC's transitional camps in Colombia

more information: The peace process in Colombia, which led to the demobilisation of the FARC in 2016, is still under way. Hopes for a swift end to the decades-long conflict face complex problems. These include issues of transitional justice and the difficult integration of demobilized fighters into Colombian society, which continues to be marked by enormous social inequality.
