

Since 1989, in accordance with the Bavarian Higher Education Act, there has been a central administration Women's Representative and individual Faculty Women's Representatives at the ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê_ΰµÂ¹ú¼Ê1946$ÓéÀÖappÓÎÏ· of Augsburg.

The Women's Representative of the Faculty of Business and Economics

Dr. Katharine Wirsching
Women's Representative
Faculty of Business and Economics


Dr. Kathrin Wagner
Deputy Women's Representative
Faculty of Business and Economics


Contact person

In our function as Faculty Women's Representatives, we would like to support you in an advisory capacity. We are the contact persons for all women at the Faculty of Business and Economics and are available to advise you on a wide range of topics. You can contact us confidentially at any time if you have a concern or need specific advice.



In the performance of their duties, the universities shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and shall take this into account as a guiding principle; they shall work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages. (BayHSchG, version of 23.5.2006, Art. 4., Para.1, Clause 1)

Prevention of disadvantages

Women's Representatives are vigilant about preventing disadvantages for female academics, instructors, and students; they support the universities in the performance of their duties according to Para.1 (BayHSchG, version of 23.5.2006, Art 4., Para.2, Clause 1).

Voice in committees

The Faculty Women's Representative is a voting member of the Faculty Council and in appointment committees, as well as a member of the Women's Advisory Council.


The Faculty Women's Representative has a budget to support female doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates, and professors in their academic work.

Funding opportunity

At the Faculty of Business and Economics, there is the possibility for female academic staff to receive financial support for active conference attendance (presentations). The funding amounts to a maximum of € 500. Please fill out the "Application for Financial Support for Conference Attendance" from the central funds for equality and submit it to us.

